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Philosophy and the UFC


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Interesting question, but I think it's a little vague because philosophy is a very broad idea.I think the philosophy I would have would be 

I provide a good or service to my employers who in turn give me money in exchange for this. I am not breaking the nonaggression principle because all parties have consented to this violence. I don't think it exactly follows UPB because It certainly wouldn't be preferable to me to get beaten up for money, but maybe for society it would be preferable. If our species had evolved to be warlike and violent maybe then it would be universal. 

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The reason I chose to start training and set the UFC as my goal is that it is imo the epitome of physical and mental training, contact sports to me aren't just about the brutal hits, but the training and dedication that goes into every minute of "battle". It's the ultimate human mastery of strength speed and skill condensed into a 15 minute man vs man fight, generally with respect on both sides. I don't like to fight on the street and am not an aggressive person, I just want to see what I am capable of. As far as wider society goes i haven't really thought about it people have asked me why humans can't evolve past using violence as entertainment, I think that would be somewhat a suppression of natural instincts, bloodlust certainly has no place, but competition and physical endeavours are a part of us.

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But why not focus that tranning and dedication on something that will make you more unique, than just another, in the endless stream of meat punching bags that litter the roads of history. Keeping fit is great and If you want the ultimate in strength, speed and skill try dancing, if you need something where pain is a major challenge try climbing.

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Because I can't dance and I climb for fun I think it would be quite hard to make the kind of money I'm thinking about by climbing stuff, it's generally a sport for people that already have money.


Thanks MMX I agree


The colosseum is an easy comparison to make but easier to rebuff. People were killed, they were held against their will and the population in general had such low moral standards that this was acceptable to them. None of this correlates with modern society to us any of these things would be abhorred. There are comparisons to be drawn between us and them but the octagon and the colosseum don't match IMO

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