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Good news! Nuclear bombs do not work/exist.


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20 hours ago, RichardY said:

moon landings staged

For one it means no one has a claim on the moon. And perhaps the tax payers has something to say about their money being used for a very expensive 'show'. And it can be nice to keep it in mind. For example when/if NASA or others try to convince people about a trip to Mars.

20 hours ago, RichardY said:

earth flat

High production value videos were popping up several years ago, that always linked a flat earth perspective with 'that's why there was no moon landing'. It is quite an ingenious psyop to link scepticism, with a flat earth perspective. It has found its way into this forum which is an example of just how effective it has been.

These high production value videos did not just spawn by themselves. They would need funding. (Even the narrator is professional sounding in these videos). There are probably people who really believe in flat earth, but if there is, they are usually residing in channels with a low production value. What also happened as far as I know, is that real hardcore long time flat earthers has a website/forum that was rapidly invaded, and obfuscated, by new people, which also shows that this was not some natural growing support for a flat earth perspective. It was pushed along, and always with the 'that's why we did not go to the moon' agenda.

It also means that someone found it necessary to create this psychological operation. And that is likely because science, evidence, observations, pictures, etc all stack up to not be in favour of a successful moon excursion. And these things are easily shared on internet. But since this successful psyop, those do not readily have much value anymore. Since anything I or others say about it will now be countered with the produce of the psyop.


Isn't this an equivalent of a religion in some ways.

You put different things in a bag, labeled it religion, and presented that to a person who is talking about some, or one of them? Ok behaviour?


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Psyops for what purpose? Can come up with  lots of different explanations but what does that exactly change? I guess it has entertainment value, but nothing actionable and often comprehensible.


2 hours ago, A4E said:

You put different things in a bag, labeled it religion, and presented that to a person who is talking about some, or one of them? Ok behaviour?

I didn't present it to one person(you), but as a general comment. In some way like a religion not that those topics are religions. Pfft, hack away.

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6 hours ago, RichardY said:

I guess it has entertainment value, but nothing actionable

Do you think we should stop trying to explain why dinosaur media is spreading propaganda about current events?

When Trump fires Comey, and the dinosaur media says he did because he wants to stop investigations into any ties with Russia. Should we then not talk about any agendas behind that propaganda, because "It has entertainment value, but nothing actionable" ?

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6 hours ago, A4E said:

Do you think we should stop trying to explain why dinosaur media is spreading propaganda about current events?

When Trump fires Comey, and the dinosaur media says he did because he wants to stop investigations into any ties with Russia. Should we then not talk about any agendas behind that propaganda, because "It has entertainment value, but nothing actionable" ?

Sure talk about the duplicity of the media, show people how they omit information and take things out of context. But a lot of people don't care. Without any on the ground action, with a focus in changing the political situation what's going to happen? It'll just be a grind and it's only going to take the next president to bring in even more censorship, and eventually with what is known about genetics it will be a loss by default, as people in general become less susceptible to contrary evidence.

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12 hours ago, A4E said:

When Trump fires Comey, and the dinosaur media says he did because he wants to stop investigations into any ties with Russia. Should we then not talk about any agendas behind that propaganda, because "It has entertainment value, but nothing actionable" ?

When Trump fired Comey and the media claimed it was to stop the investigation, no one noticed the people saying, "investigations don't go away because of personnel changes". We tried to talk about the agenda behind the propaganda.

My wife works in a radiology lab. She makes a living because nuclear energy works as described.

Yes, some people want other people to fear and respect the power of nuclear weapons, but it doesn't mean they lie about it. The power of nuclear weapons is that the chances of killing leaders instead of soldiers just went up dramatically. It has hastened in a new era of Fourth Generation warfare, and everyone is moving to adapt in their own way.

Where would the world be now if people in power had not believed that nuclear weapons worked? How would "Domino Theory" have worked out differently? Or Yugoslavia?

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12 hours ago, shirgall said:

She makes a living because nuclear energy works as described

if I recall correctly, no one in this thread has disputed exploitable nuclear energy. It is the nuclear explosive capabilities that are under question.


12 hours ago, shirgall said:

Yes, some people want other people to fear and respect the power of nuclear weapons, but it doesn't mean they lie about it. The power of nuclear weapons is that the chances of killing leaders instead of soldiers just went up dramatically. It has hastened in a new era of Fourth Generation warfare, and everyone is moving to adapt in their own way.

Where would the world be now if people in power had not believed that nuclear weapons worked? How would "Domino Theory" have worked out differently? Or Yugoslavia?

That is a good point, and I and others here surely understand that, but you are leaving out the negatives, which have been mentioned in this thread. People might not feel motivated to build anything, or make anything happen, or invest time in oneself, or anything productive that requires work, since... Everything and everyone could blow up tomorrow.

I started this thread because I am always in search for what is true, and was convinced that this forum was ment for that, and it has not disappointed. I am pretty sure a thread like this would not be much possible anywhere else.

If nuclear explosions is a sham, but the net result is considerably positive, (even if lots of people don't care so much about being productive anymore), do you think it is ok to keep the lie alive?

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2 hours ago, A4E said:

That is a good point, and I and others here surely understand that, but you are leaving out the negatives, which have been mentioned in this thread. People might not feel motivated to build anything, or make anything happen, or invest time in oneself, or anything productive that requires work, since... Everything and everyone could blow up tomorrow.

There has never been an era where some portion of the population did not have a overwhelming sense of impending doom, be it mass starvation, invasion, or warfare.

My own explorations of science have never given me a sense that nuclear warfare or space travel are the new "Big Lies" to replace religion. Collectivism is.

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9 hours ago, shirgall said:

never given me a sense that nuclear warfare or space travel are the new "Big Lies" to replace religion. Collectivism is.

Fair point. But getting informed about ie obviously staged moon landings, may act as a gateway red pill to harder red pills.


9 hours ago, shirgall said:

mass starvation, invasion, or warfare

Actually all those will probably make people more motivated to be more productive, to try to avert them, because they can prepare for all of those (ie great wall of china), but you can not prepare for the nuclear armageddon, unless you have enough personal capital to make a home underground or something, and then still you know that you would face significant problems surviving in the long run.


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7 hours ago, A4E said:

Actually all those will probably make people more motivated to be more productive, to try to avert them, because they can prepare for all of those (ie great wall of china), but you can not prepare for the nuclear armageddon, unless you have enough personal capital to make a home underground or something, and then still you know that you would face significant problems surviving in the long run.


Can't people prepare for nuclear Armageddon by inventing a method to neutralize said threat? Either by blowing them up mid trajectory or by outright rendering them impotent or whatever else people can come up with.

No matter how powerful weapons become people are always trying to make even bigger weapons and/or shields strong enough to withstand said weapons.

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On 6/14/2017 at 5:31 PM, shirgall said:

When Trump fired Comey and the media claimed it was to stop the investigation, no one noticed the people saying, "investigations don't go away because of personnel changes". We tried to talk about the agenda behind the propaganda.

My wife works in a radiology lab. She makes a living because nuclear energy works as described.

Yes, some people want other people to fear and respect the power of nuclear weapons, but it doesn't mean they lie about it. The power of nuclear weapons is that the chances of killing leaders instead of soldiers just went up dramatically. It has hastened in a new era of Fourth Generation warfare, and everyone is moving to adapt in their own way.

Where would the world be now if people in power had not believed that nuclear weapons worked? How would "Domino Theory" have worked out differently? Or Yugoslavia?

The MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and domino narratives are fiction and were invented to facilitate the implementation of the Grand Chessboard ideas promoted by the likes of Zbignew Brzezhinski.  The same for ISIS and everything that has happened since the 9/11 television spectacular.

The fear narrative is about engendering conformity and obedience in the host populations through various mechanisms: education, entertainment, culture creation, media (infotainment).  The goal is total control over all populations with no possibility of challenge to the ruling elite (the elites of all corners of the world that are in collusion to exploit the non-elites.  Wars are for show.  They call it theater for a reason).  Nothing of consequence is grass roots.  The responses to most of the threads here are proof that the narrative is secure and that populations will continue to invest their time and energy in support of systems that are in place to exploit and enslave them.

As physical intimidation and control has proved to be economically less viable over time than engendering voluntary servitude, more effort and resources are used to build narratives that enslave the mind rather than the body.  Funding for narrative creation is diverted from programs (NASA, nuclear bombs) that don't exist other than as fronts,, to create a false version of reality that encourages people to give theirs hearts and minds to the system.  University student bodies and philosophy oriented sites that are focused on the political system are evidence of the success of this program.

Much has been written about the real purpose of academia, news media and the creation of culture, in many cases from the purveyors themselves.  But as Nixon famously said: "The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television."  Say what you will, TV still rules.  The authority of the mainstream has yet to be challenged in the least when it comes to the big picture.


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