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Fla. boy’s circumcision spurs lengthy legal battle, protests


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  • had a six-month relationship that resulted in a pregnancy
  • sued to prove his paternity and to get partial custody of the boy and the couple whittled out a parenting plan outlining everything from his surname to his legal address, to ... what becomes of his penis.
  • In that document, the circumcision of the child was agreed to by both parents. When it came time to schedule the procedure, though, the mother resisted, having researched the subject further.
  • A 2013 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found 58.3 percent of newborn boys were circumcised in 2010, down from 64.5 percent in 1979. (The data excluded babies who were circumcised after leaving the hospital - many Jewish boys have the procedure during a ceremony called a bris, eight days after birth.)
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Hello to all,


My name is Dewyte and this my very first post on the Free Domain Radio forum. I have been trolling around reading other posts just to see what this site is all about. So, now it is time to start interacting.


Being new I have many questions. Could someone give me a summary comment on why circumcision is so controversial? Both from a philosophical view and a health view.


We never discussed this in philosophy class and I have taken three of them.


Thank you all,



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A seminal moment, to be sure.


Brilliant, sir!


Hello to all,


My name is Dewyte and this my very first post on the Free Domain Radio forum. I have been trolling around reading other posts just to see what this site is all about. So, now it is time to start interacting.


Being new I have many questions. Could someone give me a summary comment on why circumcision is so controversial? Both from a philosophical view and a health view.


We never discussed this in philosophy class and I have taken three of them.


Thank you all,




It is the initiation of the use of force (surgery) on an infant for no legitimate medical purpose. If there is a perceived medical necessity related to sex, let the child decide if they want to go under the knife after puberty.


The pro-circumcisers will say that it is a birthright of their cultural heritage, or that it's aesthetically pleasing to women or god. Having undergone the procedure myself, I can state with certainty that the effects of circumcision on the aesthetic quality of my sexual experiences have only been negative.

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First, thanks to everyone who replied to my post. I am beginning to see a little of what you see although must admit that the thought has never even crossed my mind. It does seems strange that man would alter what God has made for no real reason. All those years of evolution should speak louder than an ancient Priest, Rabbi, or the like. Maybe it is just another example of 'man's inhumanity to man'?


If circumcision is not required by law then is it right to link it to the government regardless of who recommends it, or not?


Thanks again!



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