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"Truth" about American Sniper


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Is it just me, but why did the segment on this obvious piece of propaganda seem so much like Stef was appealing to right wing viewers? I understand he is trying to grow the show, but it was not what the show used to be.


Ryan Kyle was a lunatic who relished in killing people. He was sued in court for libel from his story telling. Many of his accounts have not been verified and its pretty obvious the guys goal from this book was to make himself in a mythological character. I think that needs to be addressed as a material misconception the movie was putting out.


Although it mentioned that the movie was misleading in terms how the war was explained, it still seems like he was throwing softballs at the premise and effects the war had.


The war was based on the "threat" Iraq posed to us from Nuclear Weapons, we made a case to the UN for this and were shot down. We illegally invaded Iraq and found no such weapons. We then made the case that the war was for humanitarian reasons, despite using chemical weapons, the death of 100K+ civilians, decades of war in the region, and generally leaving the place a worse place than it was to begin with. Why is this show not calling Kyle out for the lying sociopath that he is? I was expected Stef to be rather Harsh on the book and the people who are lubing themselves up after watching it.


Is this just me or what?



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I thought it was a lame attempt to try and 'relate' to the masses and not alienate himself too much from the mainstream.  This propaganda to me is garbage and movies similar to it have been too infuriating to watch.  I don't think it's fun to try and relate to psychopaths or try and image what it is like to be pure human waste in a uniform.

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It made me rather upset to see this show go from a beacon of truth that it is, to producing that short podcast on it where we discussed the great acting instead of the reality of the situation. I understand Stef is a film/acting buff, and perhaps he just wanted to discuss it on terms of that, but I only know hes more thoughtful and intelligent than to breeze over the harsh details and underlying truth of the story by mistake. I expected a harsh discussion and I have noticed the shift in the show as of the past few months (calling the store owners the victim of Eric Garners voluntary trade was another one)


The beauty of this show has been its relentless pursuit of calling out things for what they are, is the show going to change like this for the long term?


Why bypass the entire book and its claims? 


Kyle claimed to be placed on top of the superdome and shooting looters in Katrina, there is no evidence to back this up

Kyle claimed to have been the victim of an attempted mugging, but there is no evidence of that.

Kyle was found in a court of law to have slandered the name of Jessie Ventura, why are these not discussed. 


This book is CLEARLY written by an egomaniac who wanted to make a name for himself, how is that left out?

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If only he would have made more of an effort to point out the injustice of the Iraq war like a full length presentation or something...


I know I'm being somewhat condescending but it was a review for a movie. Frozen is a movie about a crazy ruler and Stefan did a review on it but nobody complained it wasn't more balanced towards all the victims of crazy dictators like Stalin and Mao for instance. 

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I don't  think is even remotely comparable to frozen. 


Frozen is a childrens animated musical with cute snowmen and characters


This is a film that masks itself as historical when in reality its completely false and portrays a violent murderer as a hero to society. The main character in the film wrote the autobiography himself and there is a lot to be said about him as mentioned above. Further, the movie makes the war seem just, it makes his actions seem just, or at least that is the goal. I know stef breifly discussed this, but I just have no idea why these facts and circumstances surrounding this movie were omitted in his review. If we are going to do a "truth about Ghandi or MLK, why not do a truth about this guy when discussing the film and doing a "philosophical review"


I'm highly disappointed and feel like the show is starting to sell out in order to grow or avoid damage. 

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I didn't watch the whole video; I just couldn't get pass the double standard.


If what's claimed about his death count is true: then he's killed more people than just about any serial killer this country's ever produced and yet he's been made into some kind of hero. It's sickening. Kill dozens of people on this side of the ocean: Americans scream and chant for your execution. Kill dozens of people on the other side of the ocean: Americans worship the ground you walk on.

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I don't  think is even remotely comparable to frozen. 


Frozen is a childrens animated musical with cute snowmen and characters


This is a film that masks itself as historical when in reality its completely false and portrays a violent murderer as a hero to society. The main character in the film wrote the autobiography himself and there is a lot to be said about him as mentioned above. Further, the movie makes the war seem just, it makes his actions seem just, or at least that is the goal. I know stef breifly discussed this, but I just have no idea why these facts and circumstances surrounding this movie were omitted in his review. If we are going to do a "truth about Ghandi or MLK, why not do a truth about this guy when discussing the film and doing a "philosophical review"


I'm highly disappointed and feel like the show is starting to sell out in order to grow or avoid damage. 

I feel like you want a "Truth About Ryan Kyle" video. And you thought you were going to get that in a "Truth about American Sniper Movie". I would like to see that too. but I would not expect it from a movie review...

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