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Molyneux mentioned in this. Yes, we are all insane, I tells ya!!!




Only the Sheeple Are Sane

This post is about an issue that is by now a bit dated (though the topic as such certainly isn’t), but we have only just become aware of it and it seemed to us worth rescuing it from the memory hole. In late 2013, the then newest issue of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM for short) defined a new mental illness, the so-called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD.

As TheMindUnleashed.org informs us, the definition of this new mental illness essentially amounts todeclaring any non-conformity and questioning of authority as a form of insanityAccording to the manual, ODD is defined as:


[…] an “
ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior
symptoms include questioning authority, negativity, defiance, argumentativeness, and being easily annoyed.

In short, as Natural News put it: According to US psychiatrists, only the sheeple are sane.





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At least the definition of "Disorder" still requires you not to be able to function, to be incapable of meeting your personal needs without assistance, or at least a danger to yourself or others. People have kicked around ODD for a while, and it really hasn't stuck. In general, they only try to apply ODD to children, and not adults.

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At least the definition of "Disorder" still requires you not to be able to function, to be incapable of meeting your personal needs without assistance, or at least a danger to yourself or others. People have kicked around ODD for a while, and it really hasn't stuck. In general, they only try to apply ODD to children, and not adults.

But if someone feels the need to defy authorities deemed unjust, does that not imply that your ability to function as a fully expressed human being is being suppressed by said authority? The "disorder" distinction puts the onus on the child as much as the "oppositional defiant" label, doesn't it?


And it seems obvious to me that this would, of course, be diagnosed for children, who are forced to comply with the consequences of that diagnosis. The weird part, to me, is that with this diagnosis, the standard treatment is:

  • Individual and family therapy. ...
  • Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). ...
  • Cognitive problem-solving training. ...
  • Social skills training. ...
  • Parent training.

This makes me wonder if it's not the worst thing in the world to be diagnosed with. At least they aren't being drugged. And some focus is put on the parents.


But then again, maybe it's just a smidge of crazy thinking that makes us able to see past the propaganda. ;)

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But if someone feels the need to defy authorities deemed unjust, does that not imply that your ability to function as a fully expressed human being is being suppressed by said authority? The "disorder" distinction puts the onus on the child as much as the "oppositional defiant" label, doesn't it?


And it seems obvious to me that this would, of course, be diagnosed for children, who are forced to comply with the consequences of that diagnosis. The weird part, to me, is that with this diagnosis, the standard treatment is:

  • Individual and family therapy. ...
  • Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT). ...
  • Cognitive problem-solving training. ...
  • Social skills training. ...
  • Parent training.

This makes me wonder if it's not the worst thing in the world to be diagnosed with. At least they aren't being drugged. And some focus is put on the parents.


But then again, maybe it's just a smidge of crazy thinking that makes us able to see past the propaganda. ;)


Indeed, that's probably why it doesn't stick very well. It's poorly defined, has multiple causes, and really boils down to "lack of motivation because one feels like a freakin' slave".

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I think the developmental psychologist, Gordon Neufeld, put it very well when he said...


"There is nothing wrong with a child's brain who is diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder... the disorder is with a society who expects children to do the bidding of those to whom they are not attached."

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It would seem that Christopher Hitchins could have been diagnosed with such a disorder, as would the vast majority of men. Except in Hitches case we would be referring to it as, OCD - Oppositional Contrarian Disorder. :P


Yet more evidence for the bias towards feminisation in our schooling system.

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Read this the other day, the language used to describe male and female performance is interesting. For example:


"Boys are underperforming in school. Girls are making big strides and achievements in education, but women are massively under-represented in senior work roles and in third-level academia. ",

"Girls are still winning more college places but boys dominate engineering."


And, related to the above, :


"“Girls were invariably categorised as calm, pliable, timid, mature, focused, ‘tale tellers’ and easier to discipline,” says Devine. “Boys, by contrast, were spoken of as lively, boisterous, energetic, competitive, show-offs, spontaneous and potentially disruptive.”"

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IMO this is a part of an ongoing campaign to label as many as possible with an illness, so that several things can be achieved, some of which are making money on more artificial chemicals, suppressing individual thoughts since they pose a threat to the system, And also a means to get rid of people like us, by placing us in psychiatric wards if we do not conform.


There is a scientology produced documentary, that targets your emotions, about this issue that I watched recently called psychiatry an industry of death. It is very horrible, so only watch if you have the stomach for it.

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