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Father and child reunions from war

Kevin Beal

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I've watched probably 40 different videos of soldiers coming home from overseas earlier than expected to surprise their children on camera, and there's a consistent formula to it all that makes me cry, almost without fail, even despite all the patriotic nonsense.


Often there's an elaborate set up involving school administrators who introduce the dad, then the camera focuses on the child who suddenly realizes that their dad is home early, then they rush to each other's arms, and often they cry bitter sweet tears.


What is so painfully clear is just how hungry these children are for their father's presence. I doubt these are the best fathers in the world, leaving their children voluntarily for a year to participate in murder, but even still, their children are absolutely desperate to have them in their lives.


News reporters are desperate also for these stories, and I'm not sure how I feel about filming it, but at least I get to witness such a powerful moment.





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