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Is it safe to start an antigovernment channel on youtube?


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  I have a desire to speak out about government but obviously that's kind of scary even though i have little to lose.

Like I guess I'm slightly worried that the gov. will put a hit out on me or something. I think that's a valid concern

before you decide on this type of undertaking.

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It depends on what in particular you'll be saying and where. Right now in most of the world you'll be safe (you have to investigate the situation in your own area), the problem might come later, however.


If the situation is safe right now, but it becomes dangerous in the future, you can't really expect things to calm down just because you stop putting out content. At that point you're pretty much committed as continuing to put out content might keep you safer

since they don't want to make a martyr out of you. We might all be in this situation already, who knows. Then again, if it comes to a point where they start doing serious false-flags and blaming all people who speak out against the guvmint, then even the risk of turning someone into a martyr might not deter them.

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Well, I don't think you need worry about having a hit put out on you, since Alex Jones or or even his truly (SM) would be in the line of their sights. That said, it shouldn't be taken for granted that it wont affect your reputation in some manner or other. To what degree depends on your content and success in it. :)


I've seen anarchists from this board producing their own content from psychology to entrepreneurism with some degree of success and a growing reputation. It's true they haven't concentrated their topics around the failures of the state. They've been more about personal fulfilment and investment/work strategies.


What are your reasons for wanting to speak out on govt and what do you think you will bring new to the topic?

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When the government has the technical ability to ferret out dissenters as YouTube has for ferreting out the existence of a COPYRIGHTED SONG in your video, we are all well and truly doomed.  So feel free to say anti-government stuff, but don't you DARE let 10 kilobytes of a Beatles song playing on a passing car leaking through your window find its way onto your video or there will be hell to pay!

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Even if it's not, let's be honest; they'll put the FBI on the case. You could post road-signs across the entire nation pointing to yourself standing in a field with a target painted on it big enough to see from space and the FBI still would probably find the wrong person.

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I wonder if fearlessness over a direct, government-sourced persecution for speaking out is because the powers that be perceive zero threat from it?  Do we only feel safe because the message is ineffective in the larger picture?  Perhaps they care more about physical opposition; if people are protesting in the streets, rather than trying to change people's minds.  Maybe they figure since they have control over children for 12 years what threat could some YouTube channel or radio show possibly have?  They probably fear being overthrown rather than outgrown.

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It is more a risk to your relationships than anything. Governments are not likely to do anything, though you could be unlucky.


Huh, I wonder why my post disappeared. I think it was showing as the first and only reply to this thread when I made it.


That sort of stuff has been happening to me a lot too. I have emailed Mike about it as well as wrote a thread about it that never showed up. Not too sure what is happening, but I think it is a bug.

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That sort of stuff has been happening to me a lot too. I have emailed Mike about it as well as wrote a thread about it that never showed up. Not too sure what is happening, but I think it is a bug.


Yeah, I think so, and the post is back now.

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