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climate fraud updates


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Earlier two links were created here with tons of info about the fraud that is >alarming< climate change.  Those two links are here, and they take a lot of time to read, but are worth it:


The Truth about Global Warming Alarmism - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board


Global Warming Pause never true? - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board


What I have to add are two things.  A  link I didn't realize I had, showing that con artist Ken Lay of Enron infamy, modus operandi of energy trading, is now in carbon trading.  He gets paid for cap-and-trade, and sent a front man to Kyoto to make sure it got passed.  Read more here:  Al Gore's Inconvenient Enron | National Review Online


Also, I have over 120 links re climate fraud, and I'll attach them in case someone is curious.  (Hmm, I see the file is not clickable; will work on that.)

climate bookmarks.rtf

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Okay, let's see if this works for the bookmarks.  (Many are years old and may not load.)


climate bookmarks.pdf

Great, my original post disappeared.  Okay, try again, there are two existing links in these forums, take a long time with them.  Look for my orange flower icon to know where to jump in on the page; then after all the linked reading go back and read the rest of the original post with fuller understanding.


Global Warming Pause never true? - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board

The Truth about Global Warming Alarmism - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board



Also, a link I didn't realize I had shows that energy trading con artist Ken Lay of Enron infamy, send a front man to Kyoto to get cap and trade passed.  He is now a trader of carbon and gets paid by all this somehow.  Al Gore is in on the gig.  Does anyone else have a new fee on their utility bill for "climate action plan"?


Al Gore's Inconvenient Enron | National Review Online


In my other post, I put my bookmark list in case anyone is curious.

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Randall Carlson has raised enough concern in me to not assert for one side or the other. It's things like this that remind me on topics like this that I shouldn't speak strongly until I research it further.


I've taken a position that doesn't take much research.

I don't know that there is man made global warming and I don't know what could be done about it.

I do know that governments cannot solve the problems with guns and violence.


There is evidence of global warming, there is evidence of man made warming... That evidence may add up to all this climate change stuff being a real phenomenon. I don't know. But there is no science in the conclusion "therefore government violence is the solution". Even if governments weren't the biggest polluters it would make no sense.


Anyone who says that it is scientifically proven that global warming is a problem that can only be solved by the guns of government is an idiot making noises out of their mouth hole.

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Anyone who says that it is scientifically proven that global warming is a problem that can only be solved by the guns of government is an idiot making noises out of their mouth hole.


This is the most logical conclusion when you are using arguments bolstered by data produced through state-funded science. You can't bite the hand that feeds you!

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