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Government and Art

Mister Mister

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I just had a thought, inspired by a show Stef did recently about Art in a Free Society.  As an artist and a fan of the arts, and a critic of much of what passes for art these days, I got to wondering, what are the effects of the State on art?  For example, I know there are subsidies and grants for artists, and a lot of art comes from Universities which are State-funded.  But what effect specifically does this have on the content of art?  I also wonder about Intellectual Property and its effects.
Just want to know if anyone has thought about this or has some insight.

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Interesting topic RoseCodex.. My opinion is that since the mainstay of buyers in the art market these days are millionaire bankers. They mostly care little about the content. Only the value that is supposedly thrown upon it.


This is why Damien Hirst can sell his dot painting for 30 grand a pop and send a box standard decorator round to paint it on their wall. The seller reflects the same attitude to the product that the buyer places on it themselves.


I'm quite sure that if things change in future in regards to when the buyers money comes from a more virtuous place, that the quality of art they buy, will reflect that too.

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