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"The truth about"-series appears slightly one-sided to me


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Hey there,


just a general critique from me. While I find the "truth about...(add historical personality)"-series interesting and entertaining, the podcasts appears slightly one-sided to me. Basically they seem to be collections of negative facts one can find about the people featured, which to me is slightly different from "the truth" about a person. What do you think? Perhaps you should rename them into something like "some facts about...the mainstream media don't report" or something along those lines.

Oh, by the way, 2 more people you could make similar "truth about" podcasts on are Churchill and FDR, who are both celebrated mainstream heroes who were actually in many ways extremely negative characters who supported lots of very questionable policies and also had major flaws in their personalities, their only real claim to fame being having had Hitler as their opponent.

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I think you just have your filter on to only hear the negative facts because I am pretty sure they all address positive aspects.  The series may tend to slant negative, but that is because the entire premise of the series is to point out inconsistencies in the societal narrative of highly regarded people. "The truth about..." is intended to almost exactly mean what you say they should rename it to ("some facts about...the mainstream media don't report"), but their name actually has some style and branding to it.

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Society has shown a very bright and narrow light on many of these people, specifically the good parts. I think the point is to turn the light around and show everyone what they've been missing. This is biased for the point of balance. People already have had the "good" parts hammered into them. They need the opposite side of the coin shown to them to complete the view. This means a focused light on much of the negative that hasn't been addressed well or has been specifically ignored by the public media.

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The last two were fantastic, I especially found the one on Letterman interesting because my parents were big fans, we used to watch the taped show from the night before almost every night.  It makes sense in that much of my family, especially on my mother's side, enjoys the kind of petty, knock-you-down-a-peg humor that was Dave's trademark.,
I intend to send a donation and recommend a few more I'd like to see, particularly

The Truth about John Lennon
The Truth about JFK

The Truth about Native America

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