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The young Turks Interviews Karen Straughan

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While I want you guys to enjoy and discuss this video what I really want is for Stefan to do another video where he dissects a TYT host. Why this one in particular? Well because this will probably make the TYT viewership and TYT themselves the angriest and thus make the most noise to our benefit:


"Stefan Molyneux the Anarchist Libtard Strikes Again in Support of Men's Rights!"


It's this very form of enraged word-of-mouthery that brought Karen onto TYT in the first place no? I say why not? It's only going to take, what, an hour to respond to Cenk and without any prep? Better yet try and analyze his behavior given that he LOSES IT on her. There is more to say about Cenk's reactions than his arguments.


As an aside, I reveled in the schadenfreude of seeing a man I used to admire being struck down by the very thing that had me leave TYT and progressivism altogether: men's rights. I even sent him an email long ago explaining that he should watch a few of Karen's videos.


Today was just a super-duper day. Enjoy:


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TL;DR Version:


Karen: [insert complicated history of suffrage]

Cenk: Yada, yada, are you thankful for the vote or are you going to blobby blah?!! I thought we're having a rational conversation but you refuse to fit into my black-and-white dichotomy!

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It's tragic. With Cenk and the non-adhering to evidence or objective standards, they cannot back down, as to do so would destroy their credibility with the trendies and face a trendy-revolt of seething impotent hashtag rage. It is a real pity because I'm sure he would be capable of alot of good with his intelligence and skills in communication. He has been sold a pup and now he has to flip it to survive. 

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TL;DR Version:


Karen: [insert complicated history of suffrage]

Cenk: Yada, yada, are you thankful for the vote or are you going to blobby blah?!! I thought we're having a rational conversation but you refuse to fit into my black-and-white dichotomy!

When he actually accused her of irrationality that was my favourite part. It's not everyday an accusation of irrationality is itself such a sterling example!

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I have no understanding of how TYT has gained any traction as a truth-finding news dispenser. Without fail, every segment I've seen is like this one: poor arguments, no objectivity, name-calling, condescension to guests. And on a superficial level, they aren't even appealing presenters. There's no charm or wit. I don't agree with Charlie Rose, Bill Moyers or Jon Stewart on a thousand issues, but they're brilliant presenters. The only sane explanation I can come up with is that TYT is the subtlest joke ever played on the public. Andy Kaufman in a wrestling match, yeah yeah yeah yeah.

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I have no understanding of how TYT has gained any traction as a truth-finding news dispenser. Without fail, every segment I've seen is like this one: poor arguments, no objectivity, name-calling, condescension to guests. And on a superficial level, they aren't even appealing presenters. There's no charm or wit. I don't agree with Charlie Rose, Bill Moyers or Jon Stewart on a thousand issues, but they're brilliant presenters. The only sane explanation I can come up with is that TYT is the subtlest joke ever played on the public. Andy Kaufman in a wrestling match, yeah yeah yeah yeah.

 because they provide a cosmetic alternative to the mainstream media that is ostensibly rational and humanitarian in nature.


It's "makes sense, feels good" liberalism rather than mainstream liberal (democrat/new labour) supporting

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 because they provide a cosmetic alternative to the mainstream media that is ostensibly rational and humanitarian in nature.


It's "makes sense, feels good" liberalism rather than mainstream liberal (democrat/new labour) supporting


I gotta disagree with this.  My experience with TYT is that it plays off a certain demographics political hate for conservatism and the caricature of the un-cool baby eating monocled republican.  It is hard to find anything they put out that isn't just a slanderous stew of left-right paradigm arguments from adjective.  TYT lives and breathes off of hate for conservatism, not an embracing of humanitarianism.

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I have no understanding of how TYT has gained any traction as a truth-finding news dispenser...


Remember the Brookings survey that determined that 8 percentage of the US population trust the Daily Show as a source of news, versus 5 percent for MSNBC?


That's the world we live in.

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At the end Cenk was really trying to get Karen to supplicate to him. He was trying to bully a woman to agree with him, by verbally abusing her and trying to elicit some emotional reaction. He really acted like a classic chauvinst - the typical white knight, who thinks women need his aggressive support, without even realizing it.

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