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FDR Dungeons and Dragons Group


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Is there any interest out there at all forum in an FDR Dungeons and Dragons Group?


Playing a couple times a month over Google+ or skype, perhaps a full party of anarchists in a feudal world?


Awesome roleplaying with equally intelligent and like minded people?






Seems like a good idea, just seeing if there is interest out there :thumbsup:



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Oh my goodness, the responses lol

I think we'd take volunteers for DM, I could for 3.5, I have about 6 years experience in the dungeon master's chair.

Holy shiznips this could be a thing lol, does anyone else have DM experience? I've never played 5 but it seems easy...

Also, creating Molyneux as a deity would be hilarious. Clerics and Paladins of Molyneux... has a nice ring to it :laugh:

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I would run a game , but I would run WFRP it's really easy to play I kept trying to get a group together in Edinburgh but couldn't find players


otherwise I am happy to submit to omegahero as DM in D&D I have not played in almost a decade but I'm sure it plays more or less the same




My brothers and I had run a dark heresy game last year that was badass, hurray another warhammer fan!


Yes, I'd be happy to run a game, however I only prefer to run no more than 3 PC's. I find more than that it gets a little cumbersome.

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That seems like a great idea. Its quite challenging to finding a party without that one guy who is secretly evil and would work his hidden agenda and compromise the party objective. Also its quite nice to play over the internet with a group of people who you just know they wont try to cheat.


While I am not as experienced DM but I have some writings on campaign settings into a Dark Souls like world and a Mega Man like world, in the lack of candidates, I could try my hand.


Perhaps the best course of action would be to try to schedule and play a short adventure or a "pitch" campaign to see how it goes.

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That seems like a great idea. Its quite challenging to finding a party without that one guy who is secretly evil and would work his hidden agenda and compromise the party objective. Also its quite nice to play over the internet with a group of people who you just know they wont try to cheat.


While I am not as experienced DM but I have some writings on campaign settings into a Dark Souls like world and a Mega Man like world, in the lack of candidates, I could try my hand.


Perhaps the best course of action would be to try to schedule and play a short adventure or a "pitch" campaign to see how it goes.



Dark Souls world? Like the world has been given up to monsters or?

The idea I had would be to run an open world with a hook, then run at least 2 overshadowing threats that could crop up in the future and the PC's would have to decide which to deal with first or at all. Like an aggressive nation beginning a campaign of conquest on the otherside of the world, and rumors of a cult aiming to do something nefarious.


If I were to run a game, I'd probably open at level 7 to keep the strength of the group high.

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Any chance of you guys recording your sessions? I can't participate for various reasons, but would love to listen in.


I think if the sessions would be entertaining I'd publish them. That's if I were to run the games anyways...


Unless everyone wants to, then of course we'd publish them

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I thought a little more about it, I don't think i should be the DM since i am not a native speaker, while i can communicate just fine, i think it might impact the narrative.


About the dark souls campaign its a world with similar concepts with dark souls, humans started as a small tribe bullied by god like being, the overlords, until a legendary hero came and drove the overlords away. Since them civilization has flourish, there was little state power, since they were always under the threat of monsters.

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I am a gamer, I have run RPGs successfully before.  The last game I ran was in 2004, though, due to rusticating circumstance.  It was the fag-end of a ten year campaign played in post-holocaust Australia to general approbation and delight.


I have an idea for a game to run.  I imagine it could welcome 3-4 players.  Presuming schedules meshed, the technical hurdles would be the Skype connection and the preparation.


The setting would be post-holocaust Denver, but not in the way you think.  More investigative-horror-sci-fi.  In this setting, Denver was destroyed in a terrorist nuclear attack in 2005 and has been rebuilt as the shining architectural and social gem of the world, rechristened “Freedom City“ or just “The City“.  It is part of a renaissance of freedom, art, science and creativity that has raised global optimism to in some cases a frightening pitch.  Is the worldwide utopia just beyond the cusp?  But there are hints that not all is well in The City.  A few people notice things...not quite right, even as what is right distorts with historical undulations.  Certain people have disappeared.  War is on the horizon in Asia and Africa.  Someone has broken the Internet.  Do YOU dare to probe the mysteries looking for answers?

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I am a gamer, I have run RPGs successfully before.  The last game I ran was in 2004, though, due to rusticating circumstance.  It was the fag-end of a ten year campaign played in post-holocaust Australia to general approbation and delight.


I have an idea for a game to run.  I imagine it could welcome 3-4 players.  Presuming schedules meshed, the technical hurdles would be the Skype connection and the preparation.


The setting would be post-holocaust Denver, but not in the way you think.  More investigative-horror-sci-fi.  In this setting, Denver was destroyed in a terrorist nuclear attack in 2005 and has been rebuilt as the shining architectural and social gem of the world, rechristened “Freedom City“ or just “The City“.  It is part of a renaissance of freedom, art, science and creativity that has raised global optimism to in some cases a frightening pitch.  Is the worldwide utopia just beyond the cusp?  But there are hints that not all is well in The City.  A few people notice things...not quite right, even as what is right distorts with historical undulations.  Certain people have disappeared.  War is on the horizon in Asia and Africa.  Someone has broken the Internet.  Do YOU dare to probe the mysteries looking for answers?


What system you running? d20? GURPS?

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You can find the pdfs of anything and everything you need online, you just have to take the time to look

Same goes for dice, there are little programs you can download that roll for you. I could perhaps put together a package of everything we might need into a Google Drive folder...

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I'm interested. 


I've never played D&D before, but I have played Vampire the Masquerade and other Whitewolf brand RPGs, so I am familiar with these kinds of games. 


Also, I have a ton of D&D / Pathfinder books in PDF format which I have accumulated over time.  If anyone is having trouble acquiring what they need to play, let me know.

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Okay so it's pretty clear there's enough players that are willing to play.


So, if someone wants to DM and is willing to set up a campaign, just say what game version you'd like to use as well as any notes on character creation i guess, pick up the definite players, and then the respective parties involved can work out a time.

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I'd run 3.5


-Characters open at level 7, roll from the PHB only, and there is no limit to your inventory, but keep it to the PHB. Inventories must be approved. (no 10,000 tindertwigs people) All 3.5 books are approved, you may select feats from the other books and prestige, but prestige only after the initial creation.


-No evil aligned characters


-All players get one "family heirloom" - a magic item either from the books or invented by you! It could be a badass weapon, or armor piece or something creative to give your character more personality or style. All heirlooms must be approved before we begin. For balance of course.


-I will work with players who generate a backstory for their characters. Those who do so will recieve rollplaying advantages in the world we play in- all subjective to their backstory.




If I collect 3 - 4 players we'll make it happen!





Also a little story on my heirloom house rule- one of my favorite heirlooms invented a long time ago by my group was a garden gnome who had glasses. If you took the glasses off the gnome and put them on, you would see what the gnome sees- except that what you saw was mostly very blurry- because he didn't have his glasses. He became pretty strategic.

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This sounds pretty neat! I played a lot of 3.5 and am just starting up a 5e campaign (having some hiccups with adjusting to it from 3.5 but liking it). How might it happen? Text/forum based? VoIP?


Side question; I'd thought about it a while but what alignment would an AnCap be? I thought Chaotic Good.

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This sounds pretty neat! I played a lot of 3.5 and am just starting up a 5e campaign (having some hiccups with adjusting to it from 3.5 but liking it). How might it happen? Text/forum based? VoIP?


There are a lot of tools in Google Hangouts that would be useful in a online campaign, like shared documents.

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