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FDR Dungeons and Dragons Group


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I do a lot of RPs online (roleplayerguild.com in case any of you are on there), but I've never played tabletop games.  I've been wanting to do a text based RP with other anarchists.


My basic scenario is basically the Seasteading thing, only with an Island.  We could also do seasteading the ocean floor or on Mars, or on a planet in another system, or on an asteroid (yes, I'm a fan of Escape From Terra, is it obvious?)

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  • 1 year later...

Curious if this group ever got off the ground, or if there is interest in reviving it. I'm willing to coordinate things if 5-6 individuals are willing to commit.


I haven't heard anything. I do have "Fantasy Grounds" for making online stuff easier, but I have not had a heck of a lot of time to do gaming.

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I haven't heard anything. I do have "Fantasy Grounds" for making online stuff easier, but I have not had a heck of a lot of time to do gaming.



Oooh i heard (and seen some of it) thats an awesoem platform.


And subsequestuenlt yeah i do like dnd, havent played in a while though :)

But would totally be willing to partake and consequently meet new people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Good find shirgall.


I'll emphasise that tabletop role-playing games (TRPG) puts you primarily in your mind whereas visual fantasy products like comic books, films, and videogames put you primarily in someone else's mind.  The visual elements of TRPGs such as fantasy art, miniatures, and maps, are springboards for the imaginative element the participant himself brings.  Now we are swamped with fantasy visuals and I'm sure our imaginations are all the limper for it.  Why imagine when everything is done for you?--everything, that is, except the discovery of the joy of creating your own organising fantasies.  As our bodies are fattened at the modern smorgasbord, so are our minds.

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  • 1 month later...

As a DM. I have some experience but I have only done a few adventures with the new D&D.

Well then, i guess well have to wait for others to chime in since i dout 1 DM and 1 player would be any fun :P


Also theres an abandoned google+ group for FDR roleplayers. I or you could ask the owner to hand it over.



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  • 2 weeks later...

BUMBing this post to see if anyone Besides me or Bacon are still interested in DND? Anyone?


Even if you psoted earlier psot again if youre interested.



One can easily have a game with a DM and 3 players (4 or 5 would be preferable but 3 is still preferable to NOTHING.)

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I'm willing to Keeper a Call of Cthulhu game for 2-3 Investigators using Skype.  Is anyone interested in this game and format?

Id prefer good old Forgotten realms of planes- of said realms setting.


But hmmm if everyone else prefer chuthulu more then its passable for me :) (Especially the potential hilarity/horror of silly effects from that game)

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Id prefer good old Forgotten realms of planes- of said realms setting.


But hmmm if everyone else prefer chuthulu more then its passable for me :) (Especially the potential hilarity/horror of silly effects from that game)


No, I'm D&D-ed out.  The only other game I'd venture running is Gamma World, but unfortunately I don't have the books for that.  But, I have run CoC successfully in the past.  We'll see how much enthusiasm there is for it.

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No, I'm D&D-ed out.  The only other game I'd venture running is Gamma World, but unfortunately I don't have the books for that.  But, I have run CoC successfully in the past.  We'll see how much enthusiasm there is for it.


Huh, alright then. IU am supriced that oen could be DnD out on forgotten realsm and outer (and demi) planes but ok.


Any particular reason or is it just decades of repetation?

No, I'm D&D-ed out.  The only other game I'd venture running is Gamma World, but unfortunately I don't have the books for that.  But, I have run CoC successfully in the past.  We'll see how much enthusiasm there is for it.


Huh, alright then. IU am supriced that oen could be DnD out on forgotten realsm and outer (and demi) planes but ok.


Any particular reason or is it just decades of repetation?

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Huh, alright then. IU am supriced that oen could be DnD out on forgotten realsm and outer (and demi) planes but ok.


Any particular reason or is it just decades of repetation?


I just ran a short D&D campaign and I'm out of steam for it, the game was an introductory adventure showcasing the backgrounds of the PCs and how they became adventurers.  I threw everything I had at that and now it's kaput, so I don't want to repeat it.  Also, I don't find the conventional D&D worlds, planes, etc., intriguing.  Call of Cthulhu intrigues me.

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Actually haven't looked at 5. I just know 4 was a shit show.

Indeed it was :D


Well mostly, though 4th did have some lasting good thing and some that are used in few homebrews.


Now 3th edition is taking i finald lot of good from 4th AND combining it with the originals (Advanced DnD) 2th and 3th 3.5th editions :D


ITs really cool though i sugges reading de books yourself if youre curious, google is your friend ;)



Now as for Bacon and everyone else:

I think we need decide on campaing setting before or after gaining google plus group i was talking about? Would you rather talk specifics AFTER groups is assembled of toss campaing idea around?


Suggested so far:


- Call of Chtulu (Donnadogsoth)

- Curse of Strahd (Me)

- Storm Kings thunder (Me)

- Planeescape (Me)

- Undermountain (Me)

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Is there any interest out there at all forum in an FDR Dungeons and Dragons Group?


Playing a couple times a month over Google+ or skype, perhaps a full party of anarchists in a feudal world?


Awesome roleplaying with equally intelligent and like minded people?






Seems like a good idea, just seeing if there is interest out there :thumbsup:



I'm down to play 3.5

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll set up a discord. Join if you don't have a party yet: https://discord.gg/yfRfbFT


I have ctrl + f searchable pdf copies of all 5E books if you want them. I can send them to you if you ask.


Some useful tools I found:

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Seems like we have plenty enough players but conflicts when it coems to setting and ruleset choice.


0xAA55 has useful links for those still not convinced about 5th edition. But even so i think either its gonna be a vote or some more negoatiation thats required to solve what setting and waht ruleset.

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  • 5 months later...

For anyone still interested, i and few others on the FDR discord group have been mulling over starting a campaing with dnd and specifically with pathfinder. Suggestions for settings abound but easiest naturally is 5th edition dnd in the realms/planescape/The Demiplanes of dread ect.

Esperimentations with other ventures such as Cyberpunk/Cuthulu would occur most likely on later dates AFTER the initial campaing.

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