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The Onion Looks Back at "Home Alone"


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In this mock-up review of the movie Home Alone (1990), The Onion proposes that 8-year old Kevin would've been much safer from the burglars if only there had been a gun in the house and he had been taught and trained to use it. This is what passes for comedy these days. I found myself in total agreement with everything the reviewer was saying, while thinking to myself how sick it is that so many people find this hilarious and ridiculous.

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In this mock-up review of the movie Home Alone (1990), The Onion proposes that 8-year old Kevin would've been much safer from the burglars if only there had been a gun in the house and he had been taught and trained to use it. This is what passes for comedy these days. I found myself in total agreement with everything the reviewer was saying, while thinking to myself how sick it is that so many people find this hilarious and ridiculous.

I agree with you.  Though, the Onion is actually a good source for knowledge about current events, in terms of how sick the host culture has become.

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The Onion is pretty good at catering to different audiences. This is funny to me because of how true and blatant it is. It may be funny to someone who is against gun rights because the ides of a child being safer by learning how to use a gun is ridiculous. Statistically, the anti-gun person is out of phase with reality. You should be far more afraid of driving, swimming pools, and plastic bags than guns.

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The Onion is pretty good at catering to different audiences. This is funny to me because of how true and blatant it is. It may be funny to someone who is against gun rights because the ides of a child being safer by learning how to use a gun is ridiculous. Statistically, the anti-gun person is out of phase with reality. You should be far more afraid of driving, swimming pools, and plastic bags than guns.


the thing that pops into my mind is how the so-called "anti-gun" (Realistically Pro Government Monopoly on Guns) people seem to think that it is perfectly acceptable that when the facts don't fit their preferred idea that they can completely fabricate something and that everyone should treat it as fact.


I guess they must not understand the meaning of the word "Delusional"  :ermm:

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This makes me think of an episode of the show "Arrow" I saw recently where some thug got together a bunch of other thugs and took over part of town and drove the police out.


I was wondering where all the people with guns were. A group of thugs couldn't take over part of an American city that didn't want them because they'd get themselves all shot.


I think only liberals firmly ensconced in a liberal cocoon could concoct that sort of story. If a single conservative had been in their writer room they would have said "wait just a minute, they'd get a gun and shoot the bad guys."

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Sorry if I'm being dense, but would you really agree that 8-year-olds should have access to firearms?


While I agree that having firearms for self defence can be reasonable (depending on where you live), I would certainly not keep them somewhere my 8 year old could get to it. So it might well be that Kevin's dad had a gun, he just kept it locked safely away.

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Sorry if I'm being dense, but would you really agree that 8-year-olds should have access to firearms?


While I agree that having firearms for self defence can be reasonable (depending on where you live), I would certainly not keep them somewhere my 8 year old could get to it. So it might well be that Kevin's dad had a gun, he just kept it locked safely away.


I did. It really depends on knowledge, skills, and attitude. Teach the curious if they can be safe. For most it's 8-10. Feed the curiosity, do some fun shooting, and then make them clean and take care of everything afterward. The interest will abate for a little while. ;) It comes back again a few years later.


Nothing gave me more joy that getting a girl scout her rifle or shotgun merit badge, mind you. That was awesome.

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Sorry if I'm being dense, but would you really agree that 8-year-olds should have access to firearms?


While I agree that having firearms for self defence can be reasonable (depending on where you live), I would certainly not keep them somewhere my 8 year old could get to it. So it might well be that Kevin's dad had a gun, he just kept it locked safely away.


it isn't a problem if the child is properly educated about them, there is a great deal of evidence proving that fact.

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Yeah, it's not the teaching them how to shoot, I'm questioning. It's more the part where you'd keep the gun somewhere where 8 year olds would be able to get them. If I owned a weapon, I'd be very sure to keep it out of reach of children.

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Yeah, it's not the teaching them how to shoot, I'm questioning. It's more the part where you'd keep the gun somewhere where 8 year olds would be able to get them. If I owned a weapon, I'd be very sure to keep it out of reach of children.


If I trusted the kid to do the right thing, yes, I would have it available. I live in rural country. I have livestock. We get racoon and coyotes out here. There was also a home invasion only two miles from here.


when I was a kid there was a shotgun near the front door for the same reason: predators.

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Sorry if I'm being dense, but would you really agree that 8-year-olds should have access to firearms?


While I agree that having firearms for self defence can be reasonable (depending on where you live), I would certainly not keep them somewhere my 8 year old could get to it. So it might well be that Kevin's dad had a gun, he just kept it locked safely away.


Firearms are dangerous, like many other things are. If you teach kids to use the stove, or to start a fire in the woods, there is no problem with them doing these things. Likewise, there is no problem with a healthy, smart kid handling a firearm if they are properly taught and trained how to safely use them.

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Firearms are dangerous, like many other things are. If you teach kids to use the stove, or to start a fire in the woods, there is no problem with them doing these things. Likewise, there is no problem with a healthy, smart kid handling a firearm if they are properly taught and trained how to safely use them.




Kids already are allowed to use things that people think nothing of yet can be as dangerous or for more-so than firearms.

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My avatar infers that even some baby chicks can be taught to wield "assault" weapons safely.


And now for something completely different!


The chick assault weapon would have to be mounted snugly against the breastbone and fired using the beak, but they would not be able to reload by themselves. I don't know that they can lug around heavy calibers or a lot of rounds. We require a mutant variety of over-sized fowl. Turkeys?

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