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Pope says it's OK to spank kids, if their dignity is kept

Alan C.

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Pope says it's OK to spank kids, if their dignity is kept


Pope Francis says it's OK to spank your children to discipline them - as long as their dignity is maintained.


Francis made the remarks this week during his weekly general audience, which was devoted to the role of fathers in the family.


Francis outlined the traits of a good father: one who forgives but is able to "correct with firmness" while not discouraging the child.


"One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married couples say 'I sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face so as to not humiliate them,'" Francis said.


"How beautiful!" Francis remarked. "He knows the sense of dignity! He has to punish them but does it justly and moves on."


The Rev. Thomas Rosica, who collaborates with the Vatican press office, said the pope was obviously not speaking about committing violence or cruelty against a child but rather about "helping someone to grow and mature."


Hardly surprising.

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He's taken all the good things that the Catholic Church stands for and turned them upside down 180 degrees, and he's taken every bad thing that the Catholic Church stands for and increased them tenfold. He will continue to do these things, and he will get worse as his mandate continues. The last two popes were absolute saints (pun intended) compared to him.

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