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I'm suffering so god dayumed hard!


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Do you feel like you are not able to form any new relationships to break the isolation? Have you had any bad experiences with people (parents, siblings, peers etc) that would make it hard for you to relate to people? I’m getting the feeling someone has indicated to you somehow that you are unworthy to enjoy life so now that is all you’re feeling as you are alone and unable as of now to relate to new people. There’s not much to go on as you were brief and it might be a million different things but I’ll assume for now that this has more to do with what you may have experienced in the past. The pain you are feeling, could it be a response to your effort to change your life, to find new friends, to seek freedom, happiness? Have you ever experienced someone indicating that you are not worthy of those things, that instead you need them to tell you what you are and what you are worth? Understanding how present suffering has its roots in unprocessed pain from the past can be a start for eventually achieving freedom.


Myself and the whole community would very much like to help you and I think you could help us help you by elaborating on your situation more.

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@implodewithmaiayan I'm empathetic to your situation, however your comment is pretty vague. It's the equivalent of a patient telling a doctor that he/she "hurts in places." Like @stMarkus has indicated, there may be a number of ways to not feel isolated. However, these methods may only work if you are able to RTR with us.

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Mayan, you are not exaggerating. Social isolation is severely painful. I know because I have experienced it for years.


Our inner monkey brains have evolved to interpret the lack of connection to a tribe the same as if it were actual physical pain, or so I have heard.


From what I understand, social isolation is also physiologically unhealthy, perhaps even causing a decrease in life expectancy.

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