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Multiplayer pc games?


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Since we recently got a topic about dungeons and very scary monsters, I was wondering if anyone is into MMO. Recently I am playing Nosgoth and was considering returning to Guild wars 2, since they announced a new expansion. Alternatively, I love playing Dark Souls, if someone is interested we could play some jolly cooperation or host a fighting club. This is a bit more obscure, but I also love the war for cybertron series.


If one has interest in any of these games, or would like to suggest another, I might consider playing anything, except for MOBAs, with good company.

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GW2 is a fairly good game. I even leveled several toons to max but there are limits to it that I just lost interest. They don't have the tank/heal/dps set up and that kills it for the wife and me.


I have been in DC Universe Online lately which, too, has serious issues but I really only play to watch videos and documentaries on the web.


As far as PvP goes, I quit because there were enough hackers that it destroys the game for me. DCUO seems to clamp down on it but that's the rumor I have not checked because I don't have the time.

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I used to be really into the Elder Scrolls Online but stopped playing because I got a little bored with it. The next MMO I'll be getting into is Star Citizen, but that won't be released in full for quite a while (it's in development and there's only a few playable modules of it out now).

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I second BD91's comment - I have been beyond pumped for Star Citizen for a very long time. I have not played Nosgoth, but please PM me if you bite the bullet on it before me - I play online games every so often with a group of semi-professional Canadian gamers and they told me tonight I had to buy that title. I generally play CS : GO, League of Legends or Heroes and Generals with them if you are into any of those games (granted they aren't MMO) - would love to have you, always good to expand one's communities.

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I gave Eve Online another shot over the holidays. The game play seems a little snappier than it used to be but the user interface is still abysmally confusing and unintuitive. It's often the subtle details that mess up your day.


The only other two games I've played in the past year are FTL and The Binding of Issac, which are not multi-player over a network.

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Guild Wars is one of the most fun games I ever played and I think I sank more hours into that than any other game.


A friend and I bought GW2 when it came out, played it for a couple of months, grew bored, and never touched it again. Also, the market feature was broken for over a month after launch.


It's an entirely different game than the first. It became repetitive, had console-like game play, and too much jumping and climbing. It also severely limited the ability of players to choose their own skills. I really liked the strategic element in the first game of figuring out and equipping the best layout of skills, and enjoyed the instanced missions and quests. I had dozens of my own templates for different quests, areas, and PvP. I thought the first game was superior and think that they made a mistake by not continuing to expand it with new areas and content.

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  • 7 months later...

The only MMO I've played that I really liked was SWG (Star Wars Galaxies), because you could develop a character however you want, but then they tried to turn it into a WOW clone and ruined it.  I can't seem to find a good one that doesn't use the class model (maybe Shin Megami Tensei Imagine, but you have to act like it's a class sytem to be any good), and my internet is crap, so I can't play them anyway.

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I play a bit of Hearthstone my Blizzard ID is Adonis#1327 and I would be happy to crush anyone willing to play a hand or two.  :)  


I'm also very excited about Star Citizen and would love to join an organization with other Freedomain listeners if anyone knows a good one or is interested in getting one started.

I have a Cutlass Black and a Freelancer DUR which I plan on upgrading to a Carrack asap since I'm mostly interested in exploration.  I would also like to start a business ingame since I'm not good at that sort of thing in real life. I've been studying The Rules of Acquisition in preparation.

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I used to love star craft. Many hours wasted on matrix tank defense... so... many... hours.... O_o



My desktop was destroyed a few years ago, and now I only have a laptop, so my gaming capability is VERY limited. I mostly play Minecraft now, and rarely online. I used to be into WOW but, like with most MMOs, once it’s found out you are a female, it’s all downhill from there. There are only so many advances from adolescent boys one can endure before it sort of takes the fun out of the game...

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At a friend's I played and really liked Europa Universalis IV. It's a complex and extensive game, ideal for multiplayer gaming and I actually want to play a game anarchistically and win (so not attacking other countries, trading like crazy and developing). Let's see if the game engineers prepared for that (in most strategy games the peaceful defensive player loses)...



Interestingly enough (also for Stefan considering his education in the Late Cretaceous...) historical events are included in the game. It teaches a lot about other people (some I never heard of before).

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I play all sorts of PC games on and off, I've recently got into GS:GO after a huge break from any kind of competitive FPS game online, I enjoy dabbling here and there with multi player in more of a casual way, but all my old instincts and reflexes from doing it a lot as a kid kick back in and I can't help but be a bit competitive.


I actually started a youtube channel with a few friends where we get drunk and play predominantly PC games, we're called the Drunken Gamers and you can find us here if that's your kinda thing, we have lots more content on the way and have stepped up production quality since our first vids with intros/outros and better mic and whatnot.


The content contains swearing and generally is politically incorrect, so fair warning. If you can help us grow by subscribing and sharing our content with people you think might like it, that would help us a lot.


Oh and if anyone wants a game of something some time then PM me your steam ID and we can arrange something there some time :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to love star craft. Many hours wasted on matrix tank defense... so... many... hours.... O_o



My desktop was destroyed a few years ago, and now I only have a laptop, so my gaming capability is VERY limited. I mostly play Minecraft now, and rarely online. I used to be into WOW but, like with most MMOs, once it’s found out you are a female, it’s all downhill from there. There are only so many advances from adolescent boys one can endure before it sort of takes the fun out of the game...

I remember tofu defense and dodge the rapist. Damn that was such a long time ago.. I will forever cherish my moments playing sc-bw and wc3 in my youth.
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