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Yik Yak and Education


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Hey Everyone,


This is my first time posting a subject on the board, but I think I'm posting in the right section. Please correct me if I am doing something wrong.


So, I've noticed that a number of schools and colleges (abstract, I know), at least in the United States, have been at arms about the app Yik-Yak, which allows anyone with the app to anonymously post a short comment that everyone can see and rate. Do you think that apps like this help or hurt the human progress towards freedom? If you need me to supply any specifics let me know. Also, tangents relating to Yik-Yak are more than welcome!

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Speaking as a current college student. I really love yik yak. I would dare call it the free market of conversation. Many people on campus use the app to figure out were local ticket writing officers are spotted, and some use the app to determine what bike route to use. I think the app makes great strides towards freedom because to my knowledge their are no restrictions of what you can say.

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I just realized I posted in the wrong section. How do I change this?


Also, @AynRand (love the username), I wish the students at my school did that rather than use racial slurs and host a sit-in on the administrative building. It could be the fact that I'm in New York. What state are you in?

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As another college student, I have Yik Yak at my university. I see apps like Yik Yak as a tool where the individual user decides how to interact through the app. At my college, a lot of the popular posts on Yik Yak are harmless comedy posts but some are more serious and may contain advice. I personally enjoy reading about other students and their achievemtents, regrets, and ideas.


I also love Yik Yak because our campus has developed a lot of widespread inside jokes. For example, someone was complaining at the beginning of last semester that our school does not have a football team. Someone else replied by pointing out that instead our campus has a massive crane in the center that is contructing a new library. The crane started gaining a lot of attention because of how big it was and that it was in busy operation during the middle of the day. Then, people started posting jokes that they had prayed to the crane and done well on exams or that they wondered which dining hall to go to for lunch but they crane swung around and pointed the way. Soon enough, someone had created a twitter account for the crane and everyone who had the app was familiar with the inside joke. And when radical evangelists came to protest at my university, people rallied and shouted them down saying that the crane was the one and only true god. The evangelists have not returned since.  :P


All hail the Crane.

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