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Montana Lawmaker wages war against yoga pants, and male nipples

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A Republican in my home state has proposed a bill in the Montana legislature that would make illegal, "any device, costume, or covering that gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, anus region, or pubic hair region." 


here's a link to an article about it:



The internet is already up in arms over the "yoga-pants ban," but I have spotted a more dire issue. A Montana paper, The Daily Inter Lake, has reported the law would also ban the exposure of nipples, including, wait for it... MALE NIPS. So say goodbye to river rafting without a shirt, trying to escape the summer heat, or proving your grit by wrestling bears in a jock strap (regular past-time here). 


So what do you think, grand wizards of FDR? Is this bill a terrible idea because the person pushing for it mentioned afterwards that "Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway," is it a bad idea because it oppresses women's rights to wear the wonderfully slutty... I mean liberating leg covers. Is it a bad idea because it bans men from being topless? Or is it just a bad idea because it's absolutely ludicrous to send people to jail for what they wear?


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To be entirely clear here, this person is proposing that is someone is wearing yoga pants, that a man in a costume ought to fine the person and remove themselves from public space. If the person refuses, they are to be fined and forcibly removed and temporarily imprisoned. If they refuse to pay the find, they will be taken from their home and imprisoned. If they resist arrest, they will be shot.


The solution to yoga pants is to threaten to kill offenders.

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In the past male nipples were as taboo as female nipples. So it would make logical sense to ban them both. I always thought that public nudity was more of a faux pas rather than an actual law. I'm pulling the social conditioning card here and claiming that this whole thing, including the backlash, has nothing to do with a rational, objective debate and everything to do with whatever people find acceptable or not. Regardless, nudity doesn't hurt anyone, I don't think, therefore banning it in any form is oppressive.

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