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Police Say Tasering 8-Year-Old Native American Girl Was Justified


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What is going on that is so bad that she is attempting suicide at age 9. Get her as far away as possible from her abusive parents immediately. Those police officers should be severely punished for the unforgivable act of child abuse on that 9 year old. I fear that stories like these will become more frequent as child abuse and statism become more prevalent in our society.

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One distracts her, another grabs the girl’s arm. That’s what they should have done


I hate it when people play the expert. If they would have done just that the headline would be something like "4 Cops Manhandle Child" or something like that. Or if they just saw the child with the knife, laughed it off as a non-threat and left it would have read as "Police Incapable of  Of Subduing Armed 8 Year Old".


Furthermore, who the hell called the cops on the child? What did they expect to do that the parents (who I assume were actually the ones that called) couldn't do? Why couldn't the mother distract the child while the father grabs her by the arm? No, that's too much of an effort, let's call armed thugs to do the parenting for us. Why would some strangers put more effort and thought in subduing her than the actual parents?




I don’t fault for the police being there because they were called. They were there. But what happened while they were there is why I’m upset


What an idiot.




She certainly wasn’t presenting a danger to officers.


That's shooting yourself in your own leg. If she wasn't presenting a danger to the officers then it means she wasn't presenting a danger to the parents. If she wasn't posing a danger to the parents then why were the cops called?




But her mother says that the officers should have used non-violent means to neutralize the threat they believed the 70-pound girl posed.


Again, if the mother's such an expert how come she didn't apply that expertise on the situation?


I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but someone called the police, they weren't just patrolling the streets and decided to take this 8 year old on. They called men with tasers to solve the situation and when they used their tasers to solve the situation they were shocked they used their tasers to solve the situation. What is wrong with people.

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Anybody else find this article gives almost ZERO information about what was actually going on?


Why does the girl have the knife? She's throwing a tantrum, over what?


Where did all this take place? Why were the police called and by whom?


This article is so vague I can't even begin to form any sort of opinion, except that Moreh B.D.K. and David Adawehi are terrible journalists/reporters.

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