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a new mental illness for a new year

madog marcek

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Good news everyone, the same people who brought us adhd and oppositional defiance disorder or odd have come up with yet another illness to explain the normal human reaction to extreme circumstances. This new “illness” is called Orthorexia Nervosa. It is defined as the irrational obsession with obtaining the perfect diet. The article I read describes a common case as follows. “Often times people with the disorder will completely cut artificial food coloring, sweeteners, and other chemically treated food additives. They even may go as fare as refusing to eat gmo foods”. The article concluded with saying something along the lines of, “it is clearly a mental illness, because these food items have been tested and retested by the FDA and have been found to be completely safe”. I just wonder what drugs the RX industry will push to quall this new epidemic of healthy eaters it has on its hands. Will it be uppers as in the case of ADD and ADHD? Will it be a heavily synthesized opiate as in the case of the admittedly fake restless leg syndrome? Or will it be a SSRI like drug that makes you just not care anymore. What ever the case may be they will surly find a way to make a profit from this.  

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This sounds ridiculous on its face because it suggests that my quest for nutrition is a mental disorder. I find it to be a necessity since my health care plan was ditched starting in 2014. Thanks, Obama.


If you have subsidized health insurance that is guaranteed regardless of your condition, you have a built in excuse to not eat well. It's called moral hazard. Other people have to pay for your unwillingness to life a healthy lifestyle.


Apparently, Orthorexia is not officially recognized in the DSM V: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/orthorexia-nervosa


P.S. I had three raw eggs, an avacado and coffee for breakfast. :thumbsup:

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Oh no, not another "mental illness!" I already have too many as it is, according to them. LOL


Big Pig Pharma and their mistress, the AMA, is a joke. I've got a prescription for them: a boatload of truth, a little bit of self control, and something I like to call "Leave us alone and get a real job!"

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