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An ex adult film star, a 12 year old girl and a 22 year old who yearns for "normal" private parts are chronicled in this thought provoking doc about how porn, social media and pop culture affect women and girls. [imdb link]


Highly recommend this doc if only to see how the highly intelligent 12 old girl gets sucked in to the peer-oriented culture of slutiness, social media, sex etc as she starts going through puberty.

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I have never witnessed a more gynocentric message than the one delivered in this documentary, "Pornography and Lady Gaga make us do it."


The irony is that while twenty-two year old Laura voluntarily works a second job so that she can pay a surgeon to perform a labiaplasty, if Ken had had a son, he would have likely been circumcised without anesthetic at eight days old in a brit milah ceremony.


There is a young boy that hangs around Ken's family and appears throughout the documentary, but he is never interviewed or named. He first appears at 3:06. Ken mentions that he has three daughters in one clip, but there is no mention of a son. I can only assume he is a friend of the family, a child from another marriage or Winnifred's boyfriend.


Fifteen minutes into the film, Winnifred insinuates that her father does not follow good judgement. Why does she say this to him, and what was his reaction? Did she say it because he married a tattooed woman who makes a poor mother and sends mixed messages to her children?

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