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Epic Rant on the Nature of Female Emotionality

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Personal note: I'm currently changing my personality and communication style by incorporating insights from men like Roosh and Heartiste.  I got this post by browsing the Roosh V Forum.


Author's note:  The author of these words is AnonymousBosch, 50-something, muscular, lives in Australia. 




Here's his post.  Hope you find it interesting and helpful.


3 am here. Just returned from a late night bang with a lot on my mind. I've no idea if this will end up making sense, but wanted to get it out of my brain before I hit the pit.

I've mentioned before a main driving force of female behaviour is the need to subsume their personality and act on pure emotional drives: to 'become' emotion itself.

Faced with having to control their behaviour when working towards a goal, their natural instinct will be to think it's 'too hard', and give in. It's the moment of 'giving in' they crave, not mastering control, because it gives them permission to indulge their vices.

You know the mantra from women: "It's so hard being good." It's why it's easy to market to them by preying on themes of indulgence, and suggesting they 'deserve it'. It's why their sexual desires are fiercer and more depraved than men.

This, not the patriarchy, is the reason for eternal female mediocrity in any field, because there is no-one who will respect a man, and carry his burden for him if he chooses to gives up. Women know they are excused from judgement, and know some stupid man will pick up their slack.

If you spend any amount of time around children playing, you'll eventually hear a girl emit a blood-curdling scream that fires up your protective instinct, only to discover they're screaming over nothing. If there's other girls around, the scream is catching, and they'll all scream. They're learning: unrestricted emotion is a thrill to them. Of course, to us, it's a sign of danger, and we come running. They learn further: unrestricted emotion gets us attention.

As they move into their early teen years, this takes on a sexualised element, and girls will gather in groups to scream, cry and tear their hair out over boys, usually celebrities and bands. They might convince themselves that they feel some deep emotional connection with some random musician on the other side of the globe who in unaware of their existence, but it is simply permission to indulge in hysterical emotion.

The Beatles once said that Beatlemania had nothing to with them: 'They were just using us as an excuse to go mad.' And they should know.

In the later teen years, and onwards this transitions into managing real relationships: relationship dramas. They get their thrill from the instability of a relationship - nothing turns a woman off quicker than stability and knowing her man adores her - and are always ready to push it to the brink of destruction to feed their voracious need for emotion drama. This is why you cultivate unstable relationships if you want to create deep obsession from a woman: they'll tell themselves it's the man, but it's just the drama they're in love with.

In the wider world, men long to build, and women to destroy, and so it goes in relationships. She gets permission to eat Hagan-Daaz and to become the sole conversational focus of her friends during the 'crisis', and some hardcore make up sex to resolve it. Once again, she learns, drama is good.

Female entertainment functions as emotional porn. 'Twilight' is just a fantasy of the hottest boy in the coolest clique in school chosing the reader substitute as his girlfriend. Groups of women quickly return to a feral state in a situation that allows them to indulge emotion: note the recent stories of women acting out watching 'Magic Mike', or glassing a man during '50 Shades Of Grey'. One of my mates is a male stripper, and the scenes I've seen women enacting in a social group at his shows are animalistic at their core. It's never about the triggering excuse, it will always be about permission to become hysteria.

That's my basic theory that I use for sexual seduction and to manage relationships. As corny as it sounds out of context, one of my tactics to create quicker intimacy is a suggestion that she doesn't seem to fit with her friends, and that they seem a bit ... straightlaced, whereas she seems more spirited.

That was the traditional growth process for women, but what happens with Millennials, when women are too socially-awkward and loathe themselves to such deep degrees that attracting a man for a relationship to provide them with the drama they need is impossible.

I wonder if this is part of the reason behind every girl suddenly coming out as a rape survivor. Their self-loathing creates a desire to be viewed as damaged by those around them, and excuses them from their lack of romantic success and emotional connection with a man. It's the same instinct that makes them hack off their hair. "I'm a (strangely-unashamed) rape victim. I am damaged: so it's not weird that I'm alone."

But this is what I was thinking tonight and I banged another idiotic 20-something girl, so hyped up her YOLO attitude that she was forward enough to be pulling out my cock in a public park at 2 in the morning, not caring who saw us, wanting to give in and become her raw sexual desire without thought for consequence or public decency, despite her fake porn star attitude and insincere gasping about needing my cock 'sooooo bad' guaranteeing that we will never truly emotionally connect, because I just wonder how she learned to perform:

What influence does the internet have on a woman's need for drama? How does it risk fundamentally-changing them?

I mentioned long ago that I suspected the cultivation of social media likes from multiple men could provide so much more positive self-affirmation and ego boosting than a relationship with any one man could ever hope provide, and, as such, connected women eventually won't desire them.

But tonight, expanding on that thought, what if Millennial women have become damaged even further by connectivity?

What if one man can no longer provide their need for emotional drama either? What if women aren't going to be drawn to relationships because there's always a hysterical group of schoolyard girls screaming online, offering her a chance to join in and get a sweet, sweet spike of raw fury? To cry 'literal tears' and to share the outrage with everyone in her circle so everyone cries with her. Where women are screaming for the sake of screaming, of being outraged to be outraged, to become anger and fury and the community of voices making the drama so much more intense and every tiny imagined slight and offense into the goddamn end of the world until they have no emotional setting left but 'nuclear', because they're trained themselves out of realistic levels of emotion, the same way they seem to have no setting anymore between raging slut and outraged prude.

Then I noticed just how consistently ugly the screaming women always are, and could only come to the most likely conclusion: Social Justice isn't their cause: it's simply a boyfriend substitute.

Man, I'd better get some sleep.


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