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I am about to go the way of the hobo


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Hawaii is the home of the FOO, and I'm safely stranded on the soil of mainland America. Between me and them are 2500 miles of Pacific ocean, and I have no intention of ever going back to that rock again. I am on my own, without any immediate prospect but the open country and road. I've been in a motel in Oregon the past few days getting acclimated to the cold weather, but I'll be hitchhiking down along the coast soon enough with my backpack and a savings account to sustain me, looking for work and housing as I go.


All I need is some time, some time to find myself separate from my family and the rigid social structure that defines an isolated island community. I know I have the courage and strength to persevere.


I'm sending out an APB to any FDR members in the NW area who want to help a fellow traveler in philosophy. A roof and a couch would make all the difference in the world. I am no slouch when it comes to chores and house projects, and would make it up to you as best I could.

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I survived with that one for a year in Europe. I highly recommend it.

That's sounds like a cool way to spend a year.


What was the waiting time like between applying and getting the job?


The website is fantastic, and something I wish I discovered sooner, but many of the hosts seem to have a waiting line of several months due to a flood of requests. 

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I don't know what the situation is like in the NW, but everyone host is completely different. Some replied to me super quickly and some never at all. If a place looks interesting but they don't appear to be accepting now, I would send them a message anyway. You never know if they'll change their minds once they see you and read your bio.


Remember that those aren't jobs. You work in exchange for a place to stay and have something to eat. Luckily you're in a country where you CAN work (as opposed to me in Europe), so at least you could start developing a network of people and start moving towards something. Where are you in the NW?

Also, just remembered this, I don't know if I found some weird exception in Romania or if this is a worldwide phenomenon, but look out for couchsurfing parties. I went to a couchsurfing Christmas party in Targu Mures, Romania for several days and it ended up changing the whole course of my stay there. There were people from all over Europe and the world at that party (several Americans, south Americans, Singaporeans, Australians, and from every corner of Europe) and it most definitely expanded my horizons and my ideas of what my opportunities were while I was there.


But, like I said, I don't know if this happens commonly in the US or anywhere at all for that matter--I may have just gotten lucky to find that one. However, I would use the site and keep my eyes peeled for those. You never know who you're going to meet.

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