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Guys, i need your input here, could be very important (About a floating anarchist country)

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  Hello fellow thinkers, i have been thinking really hard about this matter for the past few weeks. I think we could make the statists right for once.

  Here i present the last 30 seconds of every conversation with statists:


-(If you don't like the state, then leave blablabla..)

-(But there isn't anywhere i could go in the world and live without a state)    <-- NO LONGER.. NOPE



 There is a whole fucking ocean we could use, seriously, it's so ridiculous to believe we need statist land to live. THEY ARE KICKSTARTING THE

FOUNDATION OF A COLONY ON MARS, MARS FOR FUCK SAKES. We are hundreds of thousands of high IQ people with common goals and decent morals, why the fuck are we still kissing rings and handing our children over to psychopaths?


  As to the feasibility of the project it is still in "drug trip creativity" status but there is scientific bases to it, although there are not many empirical evidences in the world aside from hippie-woopy treehuggin' boats like this one http://www.treehugger.com/green-architecture/self-sufficient-solar-powered-barge-and-houseboat.html  i don't see many impediments for this to happen physically. Pretty much EVERY problem we could have aside from the mechanics of living in a floating island (agriculture, energy and all) we would have in a free society and i, as you probably do, believe in human potential to circumvent or completely fix any issues that may arise in our society through the free market.


 If you find any trouble with this idea please tell me why in the comments, i really am serious about this, i am young and i cringe at the possibility of never seeing freedom in my lifetime, i refuse live the rest of my days on my knees due to threats to my life and the lives of my loved ones. 


So prepare your jimmies for ATLANTIS. Or lets just fund an army and invade Somalia for fuck sakes.



Sorry for the potato English by the way, not a native and never studied the language in any serious manner.

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I don't have any trouble with your idea, as long as it isn't actually floating. In other words, I would only live "on the ocean" if it was a manufactured island; something stable enough to cope with massive hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. As for where, I think living in the tropical zone would be most preferable, so that we can grow our own food practically year round. Those are my initial thoughts.

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Energy sounds like it would be easy, there's lots of places to start that science and technology haven't explored yet.


Wind power, hydro power, and geo-thermal heating are all at our disposal.


Funding it could be a cinch too- get companies to invest in your island and offer them services! The island could be a shelter, a bank, a vacation spot, a mass storage facility- there are so many options! :D

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I like the idea but one things for sure the state wouldnt sit back and watch. We would get branded as tax avoiders they would try and block our trade. They would claim that we have declared economic war and try to justify using force against us.


I actually think sumalia with an army would be the better option. An army to defend ourselfs from the locals initially and the rest of the world later on.

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I like the idea but one things for sure the state wouldnt sit back and watch. We would get branded as tax avoiders they would try and block our trade. They would claim that we have declared economic war and try to justify using force against us.


Even so, I think the island would find a way to live, one way or another. The opportunities are just too great

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There was some talk about something like this some time ago where people wanted to start such a floating community. Even Stefan interviewed some people involved in the project. Search for "seasteading" and you will find the content. I am not following it so I don't know what happened to this ideas. Since it has been silent for a while I guess it is not going anywhere but I might be wrong. I think it would definitely be a great experiment but also it would face a lot of challenges I don't think the existing states would be very happy about it. It would definitely be a good example of establishing a free society if it could be pulled off.

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-(If you don't like the state, then leave blablabla..)


But why should those who are not threatening violence have to leave. .....kind of (?) ..... "you, who have caused no harm or loss to others,  please leave our group so we can continue to coerce & threaten those do not"


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My plan is basically:


1) Buy private island.

2) Convince the politicians to let you succeed so that you can create a hedonistic paradise for the rich and powerful.

3) Create a pseudo-government for the island and turn it into a party island.

4) Join the UN with the original nation's support.

5) One year later, leave the UN, because they are a bunch of statists.

6) They can't say you aren't a legitimate nation (you were recognized by the UN with their support).   They also can't attack you, because the rich and powerful would lose their playground.

7) Open up to large numbers of colonists.


I've been toying with the idea of a pseudo-government for a while.  I'll start a topic about it soon.

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