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Jimmy Kimmel, this isn't funny.


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I agree.


Since my dive into self-knowledge, nothing has been the same. This is especially true with humor. I used to be that guy who would "hide" his deepest insecurities by offering them on a platter, lavished with humor. If I can make a joke of myself before you can, maybe it will hurt less - I guess that was my thinking.


Now when I see others doing that, it sticks out like a sore thumb.. and it hurts just to see.


Do you have any experiences with this? Was there something particular about this story that hit you especially hard? Unfortunately, Hollywood seems to live off this stuff, and popular culture is enamored with it.

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I agree.


Since my dive into self-knowledge, nothing has been the same. This is especially true with humor. I used to be that guy who would "hide" his deepest insecurities by offering them on a platter, lavished with humor. If I can make a joke of myself before you can, maybe it will hurt less - I guess that was my thinking.


Now when I see others doing that, it sticks out like a sore thumb.. and it hurts just to see.


Do you have any experiences with this? Was there something particular about this story that hit you especially hard? Unfortunately, Hollywood seems to live off this stuff, and popular culture is enamored with it.


Man, everything about this story hits me hard. You can see in his eyes even in the passive still on the video- the loneliness he is experiencing. It rings loud and clear in his story:


Getting plastered beyond belief- alone. Probably to escape the suffering he is feeling inside, especially considering his girl being on the other side of the planet.


Talking to strangers, and particularly becoming attached to a random vagrant, to the point where he chases him, desperately seeking a connection; some kind of company. 


Playing with the lions- spitting on cops and acting out in the jailhouse... oh man. I empathize with him deeply, there's a lump in my throat right now typing about it.




Have you seen the videos of his "I'm Sorry Tour" ?

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Man, everything about this story hits me hard. You can see in his eyes even in the passive still on the video- the loneliness he is experiencing. It rings loud and clear in his story:


Getting plastered beyond belief- alone. Probably to escape the suffering he is feeling inside, especially considering his girl being on the other side of the planet.


Talking to strangers, and particularly becoming attached to a random vagrant, to the point where he chases him, desperately seeking a connection; some kind of company. 


Playing with the lions- spitting on cops and acting out in the jailhouse... oh man. I empathize with him deeply, there's a lump in my throat right now typing about it.




Have you seen the videos of his "I'm Sorry Tour" ?


I definitely thought the same thing about loneliness in his eyes. Especially when he was first asked the question about "becoming crazy." He didn't look like he was excited about having to relive and make a show of his traumatic experience - which he inevitably ended up doing. He didn't make much eye contact either. Meanwhile, Jimmy is beside him like a brainless laughing zombie - why would he want to make eye contact with him?


I haven't seen that tour, but I think he talked about it in that Ellen video? Like, inviting people to punish him. So abusive towards himself. He said he was a "child of abandonment" looking to "fill a void." I connected to him more when he said that, because I could imagine how confusing and disruptive the hurt from those experiences could be, especially if you're dealing with them in completely unhealthy ways. Maybe he thought after achieving fame that those things were for the past, but it seems like whenever people think they can escape the pains of childhood trauma, it will only come back twice as hard, like a rising tide in a flood, only to leave you tumbling chest high in water without anything to hold on to.

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Anyone seen this music video? I think it's also more confirmation of the loneliness and inner conflict going on in his mind. In the second video, they mention that the young girl could represent a part of himself, like an inner child, who is wild, mistrustful and fighting with him. But later on, the girl leaves the cage, leaving him alone and trapped. I don't know if I could interpret everything that it's supposed to mean for him, but it definitely resonates with me.

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Anyone seen this music video? I think it's also more confirmation of the loneliness and inner conflict going on in his mind. In the second video, they mention that the young girl could represent a part of himself, like an inner child, who is wild, mistrustful and fighting with him. But later on, the girl leaves the cage, leaving him alone and trapped. I don't know if I could interpret everything that it's supposed to mean for him, but it definitely resonates with me.



I agree, especially how easy is has become for others to make fun of the emotional pain that people go through with surface level humor. Warning, the video I share is related and is not offensive to the eyes, however it demonstrates a lack of empathy on the uploader's end:



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