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Is it immoral to claim benefits when I don't need them?


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Hi guys,


I am looking for a sense check here as I realise that my self interest may very well cloud my judgement here.


Part of me wants to claim unemployment benefit as I feel royally screwed over by the state however I am still debating as to whether it is moral or not. I realise I have no loyalty to the state but I wonder if I am parasiting off the tax payer when I don't need to.


My brief situation:

  • I live with my 14 year old son in the UK
  • I have no need to claim unemployment as I have sufficient savings to live for 2 years or so and could easily get a job if I wanted to.
  • I am going to start a business however it will take some time to research, test and implement my plans and was planning on claiming in the interim.


Seeing the full horror of Government in the UK makes my skin crawl so I have no wish to be noble towards my nation, however I wonder if  I am being unfair on tax payers who will ulitimately pay for me.


Any input would be appreciated guys.



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Man this is a rough one. I know how you feel and that is a tough situation. I would say the most moral thing would be to only extract what you have put in... or will put in. So stay as close to NET ZERO as possible. People can argue "well what about the roads and the garbage and other public utilities". Yeah... what ABOUT the roads and garbage. You don't have any other option do you but to use a road or have your garbage picked up. Therefore you are absolved from moral responsibility. Be fair in your analysis and judge it the best you can.

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Think of it this way:


Who should get the benefit of stolen assets? Someone who is committed to stealing more of them, or someone who is committed to paying them back and ending the system of theft? Obviously the latter is preferable.


So you can accept the money, and make a standing offer to return your share of the stolen assets to any taxpayer who renounces the system and makes a claim from you. Now you have a moral solution which also starves the beast.


Or if you want to keep it simpler than that, just think of it as an advance against taxes that will be levied against you in the future.

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Like that tax commercial says... "Get your billions back, America!"

Sure, get government subsidized.


Have you ever paid "taxes" (i.e. Government Initiated Theft)?  Taxes on products you buy? Taxes on working?  If you've ever paid any tax,  the government started this form of theft, which has already taken-away from the quality of your life (& child).  There is no-option for a "tax free life". 


Taking UI (Unemployment Insurance), along w/having extra money, You sound responsible.



Go ahead & get your money back!  It's your money.


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Thanks for the advice guys, I suppose my real question is how much sympathy should I feel for my fellow tax payer? (I realise it will make no statistical difference but it is a matter of intergrity for me.)


Almost all UK tax payers are statists, which is most likely caused by indoctrination and ignorance, however without explaining anarchism to every one of them I am unable to see if they would fail the 'against me' test'. I.e. do I have the right to follow my beliefs without coersion of any kind?


Maybe I will claim it a donate a weeks worth of benefits out of a month to liberty related shows, (about $120 dollars worth) which would please me and which will hopefully benefit them in the long run.


Any other ideas on this or a bit more of a methodical approach would be welcome.

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