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Any Kabbalists?


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I can remember being about 5 years old, and my kindergarten teacher telling my class we were all going to get some fairy dust sprinkled on us, and we wouldnt get to go outside until we felt the magic.


YAY! I thought, being a 5 year old kid. I am going to see real magic! I was so excited, I couldnt wait until it was my turn. I was so full of hope! So then it got to be my turn, and the teacher sprinkled the dust on me, and asked me if I felt it. I didnt feel anything. I said no. She did it again and asked again. I said no. She did it a third time, and I kinda just stared at her, my hope deflated. She was lying to me. There was no such thing as magic. It was probably the first time I recognized that adults lie. So I lied and said "I feel it" and went outside to play.


That is the kind of experience all of religion has been for me. A bunch of anti-philosophical, socially manipulated lemmings all running off the religion cliff. Since I was very young, I knew it was a waste and a lie. I just participated in it because I knew I had to put up with my parents.


Now, there was a good long time where I was athiest, but during that time, I never did really contemplate my decision, I just knew I liked it better than being a brainwashed christian. As I grew up, I started thinking about it more, and it just did not sit right with me. The big bang theory? Sure ok, that makes some sense, but then something would have had to precede it. And then I got to thinking, well ya know, no one can disprove the big bang theory, but no one can disprove god either. It is a possibility that there is some kind of god. Just as much as the big bang thing anyway. Not only that, but I kinda WANTED there to be a god. The idea that I might just live for a while and then die and disappear forever is pretty depressing. Now, I knew better than to just go and accept any god anybody was willing to shovel at me, but I still wanted to find one, even if god did not exist.



Then within the last year, I started going to an NLP meetup. I met a guy who is certified in it, as well as many other kinds of spiritual and energetic healing. He had lots of interesting facts, some I already knew, some I verified, and others I have not yet looked into. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt though because the things I was looking into, checked out. Some of the things he was telling me had to do with spiritual explanations, and I was shocked to find I could test his claims and find evidence of them empirically, by practicing some of his exercises.



So one of the things he mentioned that I should look into is Kabbalah.  Kabbalah is a Jewish science, with origins dating somewhere around 4000 BC, that explains how the universe works. Some of the things that Kabbalah has found in those 4000 years ago, are things that Quantum Physics are proving true today! 


Now I have not looked through the whole Kabbalist belief (?) system, but what I have seen so far seems to check out. What I am most interested in, is that Kabbalah goes on to explain that there is a god/higher realm/something spiritual, and the problem is that we cannot sense it, sense god, with our limited five senses. We have to develop a sixth sense, as if we had no eyes and had to develop eyes, to see god. We have to develop our perceptual reasoning.


I was also amazed at how many conclusions I had come to about life before I found Kabbalah, and how many conclusions seemed to coincide with it. If you want to know more, check out this video, which really turned me on to it, and tell me what you think;


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I spent many years studying different spiritual traditions, including Kabbalah.  I find this kind of thing interesting and some of the ideas quite compelling.  


That said, what I am really interested in learning is why you would think this would be a good place to post about this stuff, and what kind of response you are expecting to get to this kind of thing.  

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When I was a teenager, an older student tried to convince me and some of my friends that he was an immortal warlock who could cast spells on people. I wasn't convinced at all but nobody was willing to call him out on the charade as it was quite apparent that any Doubting Thomases would get cast out of his clique. People tend to fear social rejection more than they fear irrationality.

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I spent many years studying different spiritual traditions, including Kabbalah.  I find this kind of thing interesting and some of the ideas quite compelling.  


That said, what I am really interested in learning is why you would think this would be a good place to post about this stuff, and what kind of response you are expecting to get to this kind of thing.  

Just to discuss it really, see if anyone has had any similar or interesting experiences with it. I am getting the sense from your post powder that, religion is not a popular thing around here? I mean I have had my share of being opposed to religion. Kabbalah has been most interesting to me because I started out studying the dollar, wondering at some of the symbols on it like the pyramid and the eye. Like what does it have to do with America? Well, it seems things like these symbols, and the Masons which have their hands all over US history, have roots in things like this.


When I was a teenager, an older student tried to convince me and some of my friends that he was an immortal warlock who could cast spells on people. I wasn't convinced at all but nobody was willing to call him out on the charade as it was quite apparent that any Doubting Thomases would get cast out of his clique. People tend to fear social rejection more than they fear irrationality.

And that is what I experienced with Christianity, though I never made many bones about not exactly liking it. I did get rejected for not being part of the "cool christian kids" sometimes. Didnt care much. Was usually more fun to be playing without those kinds anyway. I haven't really joined any Kabbalist community though, just had it mentioned to me, and have been looking into things about it on my own.

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God is a Verb. Not a noun. Atheists and believers alike are caught in their self imposed identification with noun. They argue about whether 2+2= 9 or 7. Both are out to lunch. I'm a non-dual contrarian.

Ok, I have to ask.  "God is a verb", what does that mean?  I like the phrase "non-dual contrarian."

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Ok, I have to ask.  "God is a verb", what does that mean?  I like the phrase "non-dual contrarian."

Thank you. Rabbi David Cooper write a book called God is a Verb you may enjoy. But think of it this way. We are all made up of smaller parts that themselves are made of smaller things. If you stop taking on air for a moment, you start to deteriorate. Everyday we need to eat, drink water. With every breath we are changing. So we are actually an unfolding process, an action, not a noun, as is everything. There actually are no such thing as nouns, only slow moving verbs. If you take the computer, or phone you are using right now, vacuum seal it, lick it away, no sunlight hits it, nothing touches it, eventually it won't be there any more. Why? Because it is nothing more than the combination of relationships we call positive & negative. Science acts like it has it all figured out because organized this way, we call it a quark, anti quark, electron, proton. But we can't actually see many of these things we only know them by the effects created. Where a particle becomes a wave or wave becomes particle is infinitely divisible. But there is no essential matter that makes up matter ultimately. It is just the frequency of light waves. So God, is more like idk, the Tao. The incessant force of change present in everything at all time. Originally "God" was just a literary technique used to personify "the odds of it all". If it be Gods will is really just like saying, I it is in the cards.

Then through a myriad succession of the telephone game (Chinese Whispers if in the UK) this was lost to most. God is really more like "Godding"

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Thank you. Rabbi David Cooper write a book called God is a Verb you may enjoy. But think of it this way. We are all made up of smaller parts that themselves are made of smaller things. If you stop taking on air for a moment, you start to deteriorate. Everyday we need to eat, drink water. With every breath we are changing. So we are actually an unfolding process, an action, not a noun, as is everything. There actually are no such thing as nouns, only slow moving verbs. If you take the computer, or phone you are using right now, vacuum seal it, lick it away, no sunlight hits it, nothing touches it, eventually it won't be there any more. Why? Because it is nothing more than the combination of relationships we call positive & negative. Science acts like it has it all figured out because organized this way, we call it a quark, anti quark, electron, proton. But we can't actually see many of these things we only know them by the effects created. Where a particle becomes a wave or wave becomes particle is infinitely divisible. But there is no essential matter that makes up matter ultimately. It is just the frequency of light waves. So God, is more like idk, the Tao. The incessant force of change present in everything at all time. Originally "God" was just a literary technique used to personify "the odds of it all". If it be Gods will is really just like saying, I it is in the cards.

Then through a myriad succession of the telephone game (Chinese Whispers if in the UK) this was lost to most. God is really more like "Godding"

I got to say when I first started your post I was very skeptical that you would make any good points, but I got to say that is very interesting that really there is an argument that their are no nouns just verbs. Still though I think atheists are right just by saying their is no evidence of "godding". Because atheists just reject the "godding" hypothesis while the believers would support the "godding" hypothesis.

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Science acts like it has it all figured out because organized this way, we call it a quark, anti quark, electron, proton.


No it doesn't. Science is a method to distinguish proper statements from bullshit. 


Where a particle becomes a wave or wave becomes particle is infinitely divisible.



A particle cannot become a wave. This is nonsense. 


But there is no essential matter that makes up matter ultimately.



Max Planck would like to have a word with you. 


It is just the frequency of light waves.


Utter nonsense. The frequency of light is determined by oscillations of fields. That's all that there is to it. 

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We were talking about god & coincidence in another post but by joining them together for a moment, no we didn't know until Einstein whether light was a particle or a wave.we now know it is both. It is not that a particle can be a wave it is that light can be both. I find it an extraordinary coincidence that in 1945, as we learned to split the atom and drop the atom bomb, this occurred the same year we found the list for centuries Gospel of Thomas which is full of nonduality language. Jesus is light presumably, split wood, you will find me, lift a rock I am there. Light. So Jesus is light and light is non-dual. When they ask you what is the sign in you of the Father, tell them it is movement. It is rest. Noun Verb. Particle, wave. When you make the inside like the outside, upper like the lower, male and female into a single one (Mona Lisa, the real DaVinci code... Brahma, the androgynous one...) then you will enter the Kingdom. Buddha talked about the middle way. Zeno's paradox was intended to prove Parmenides assertion that life is unified and separation is an illusion. Pythagoras had it, and no one has said anything more relevant since. Of course atheism is correct. It's just that the whole thing of atheism vs. religion is a false dichotomy fallacy, as this is all religion intended. It's why you don't mix your cotton with polyester or this food with that food in Judaism, it wasn't pedantic rules of God the tight ass, it was telling you to split test & isolate the composite parts, which is what the Socratic method & the scientific method both are at their essence. Jesus replied, "man who made me a divider?" He looked to his disciples, "really, am I a divider?"

When you ascend to the tippy top of the pyramid, which side are you on? Get it?

Why does the Pope have a big spade on his forehead & head dress? The Ace that trumps Kings & Queens indeed.


"First you will be disturbed.

Next you will astonished.

Then you will reign over everything."


There is nothing spooky about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Humans affect nothing. It merely states tht a particle can not have both a precise location and momentum irrespective of observation. In other words, a thing can not e incessantly changing and precisely defined. Or, as Buddha would say, all things lack an inherent existence, as they are conditional, made up of moving changing transitory parts & conditions. Or.. The knowledge of good & evil is forbidden, because it is the knowledge she if what is inherently or independently good or evil, which can not be know because it depends on the situation. That's non dual. That's illumination. That's Kabbalah

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