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An Atheist Apologizes to Christians - Call In Show - March 4th, 2015

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This podcast is my gadfly! lol.


Ok, I'm listening to FDR2934. 


Stefan suggests that the caller talks to his brother about his family and how things are going. The caller said he is worried that if he had serious conversation with his brother, and his brother pushed the issue the brother's wife might end up leaving him. Leaving him in a terrible spot, and the child in a worse spot with the possibility of step parents. The brother does have a child that he brought into that relationship.


This fear of life ruining divorce and tragedy to children. Seems comparable to the apologizes to christians caller's fear.


But the advice was totally different.


Stefan said that he was jumping to the results of what might, but that we don't what the effect bringing honest feelings to his brother may have. 


This advice goes back to what I have heard since the beginning of FDR. Talk to people you care about don't assume their reactions.


Both situations have children involved.


In both instances the biggest fear is that the wife will leave the husband. Resulting in tragedy to the children.


If the caller feels like that is a possibility with his brother why shouldn't he use caution?


Is it because it wasn't the husband on the call?


But I don't see what that would change.


If the caller does talk to the brother. And the brother calls in and states that he fears his wife may leave if he is honest with her.


Should the brother talk to her, or just do the best he can to promote good parenting. Because he got the child into the family.


Am I missing something here, or is this opposite advice for the same fear?

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