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In modern times, you have to be officially recognized as a legitimate government in order to not be target practice for other governments.  The easiest way to get recognized would be to join the UN, but, because the UN has rules that the member nations must follow and inflict on their people, this isn't acceptable to those that want freedom.


I came up with an idea for a "government" that may be acceptable to them, and therefore could create a nation they wouldn't have a problem with, but wouldn't hurt its people.  The basic constitution is:


1) The Government may not force anyone to obey its rules unless they agree to follow them of their own free will, or they violate the protections of those who agree to follow its rules.  The people who agreed to follow its rules people will be known as "citizens".

2) The Government may not use force to make anyone to accept its terms or rules.

3) Anyone may leave or join the government as a citizen at any time, for any reason.  They may not be punished for leaving, but they may be required to pay back debts accrued while a citizen.


Does anyone see any problems with this idea, or the basic Constitution?

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a government that will be given respect by another government is simply a large pool of resources, namely people.  The government uses the population to barter with.  If you cannot prove you have control over this population that you claim you do, you do not 'govern' or 'control' them than you are not a government worth dealing with.


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