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Where in the world is Stephan Molyneux?

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I have been following the forum posts for quite some time and haven't seen him respond to forum topics (not to say he doesn't... just that I haven't seen it). So I have generated 3 hypotheses to explain this absence and they are as follows (1 being most likely and 3 being least likely):


1. He uses a different screen name and floats around the forums like a faceless angel, sprinkling us with wisdom glitter that falls from his philosophical unicorn... which he rides... majestically.

2. He is actually a hologram created by space pirates meant to guide humanity, however, due to a horrible oversight, he cannot depress keys on a keyboard to respond to forum posts because, as a hologram, he is only a realistic digital portrayal of a human but does not have a body with which to interact with the physical world.

3. He is a super busy guy who is preoccupied thinking about important things and giving us a seemingly endless stream of awesome content like books, pod-casts, and giving out free psychological counseling to listeners who call in. (but come on... seriously guys... who HONESTLY thinks this could be the reason...)


Anyway, if you ever see the guy (and live to tell the tale), recommend to him that he should explore human cloning and make a copy of himself who's sole responsibility is to hang out in the forums. Oh and make sure the clone has hair... like a lot of hair... so we can tell the difference.

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Definitely the first one. I've seen the unicorn. I coulld only look for a few seconds before being blinded by the majesty.



It was glorious.


Mr. Dean... You sir should be knighted for such and act of bravery. I am sure you would agree that you cherish your now continual world of darkness due to the over exposure of awesome and would gladly trade your other 4 senses for a forum comment from Him (with a capital H).

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Mr. Dean... You sir should be knighted for such and act of bravery. I am sure you would agree that you cherish your now continual world of darkness due to the over exposure of awesome and would gladly trade your other 4 senses for a forum comment from Him (with a capital H).

Well it could have also been the glare from his head, but there's no way to tell... ;)

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Well it could have also been the glare from his head, but there's no way to tell... ;)


BAH!...hahahahaha. Hey man, we can be friends

We must be careful as to not anger the man with our shenanigans...


I have heard things...     Terrible things...     


In fact, legend has it there once was once a man who was said to have lured the exalted being into an open debate...    The remains were never found.

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His nights are spent recruiting a militia armed with reason against the existing financial and political systems. 


And the days... they are spent manufacturing soap.




The first rule of FDR is... you do not join a fight club. 

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Mr. Dean... You sir should be knighted for such and act of bravery. I am sure you would agree that you cherish your now continual world of darkness due to the over exposure of awesome and would gladly trade your other 4 senses for a forum comment from Him (with a capital H).


Perhaps Mr Dean would need to keep at least one sense to be able to verify that the data in the comment did indeed come from . . . . Him  ;)  

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He's standing in line to have his name changed to "Stephan" because it's such a common error:)


Haha. Oops... You know its only at the bottom of every single page... and I have only been following Stefan for 4 years now...


There is another philosopher I follow closely named Stephen Hicks. I guess the two first names got together in my brain and had a baby.


Good thing Stefan doesn't look at these damned things anyway :D

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