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Any europeans around?


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Hello fellow freedomainers :)

I'm looking to meet some like-minded people and make new friends to have great discussions with and share common interests (like FDR).

Sadly there's not many people around (in my case none) that are interested in philosophy and quite often I feel very detachted from the people around me. I'm sure I can't be the only one.

So if you are from around europe and would like to get in touch (skype, chat, or private messaging) i'd be very happy to get to know you. I speak german (maternal language) and english.

Thanks and have a great day!

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Hi sash! Fellow German speaker here. I was lucky that somebody else took the time and had the courage to start a meetup group here in Berlin. I hesitated two months before going there, since then I've been going every single week, if I can at all make it. I get a lot of strength from talking with people who are a) empathic and b) rational.


You can send me a message, if you want to talk. I haven't got my skype set up right now, but I'm working on it.

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