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I hate Steven Crowder

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I'm sorry, but who is this person exactly? Never heard of the name...


Conservative Christian who produced a number of satirical videos, the most famous of which was a parody of Lena Dunham's Barack Obama campaign spot. He worked for Pajamas Media and Fox News, and supposedly was drummed out of Fox for being critical of Sean Hannity. He has a radio show/podcast/occasional video channel on Youtube these days.

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I'm sorry, but who is this person exactly? Never heard of the name...


I was a fan of him way back when I was blue pill. He had some entertaining and decent material that imo rivals Kokesh's stuff.


He has some great stuff on islam, union corruption, American history, and social programs- to include street interviews, undercover journalism, and comedic presentations.



Lately though... it's pretty clear that he's an irrational, unprincipled statist.

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I hate to be an annoying contrarian. But this is the first time I've listened (I watched this and another video) to someone explain the facts about marijuana use from a scientific unbiased perspective. Breaking the myth that it's less harmful than alcohol seems like an important myth to debunk.


Thanks for sharing.

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At least illicit drug use is voluntary, whereas being beaten as a child is not avoidable without self-erasing. Both have a measurable effect on IQ and child development, and one generally leads to the other. (Kids are spanked long before they are offered joints at parties.)


ADHD medications are forced onto children by the state, through public school officials, and can be just as damaging or more damaging than illicit drugs.


Dr. Bonafice is an apologist of the pharmaceutical industry, which dovetails nicely with her anti-marijuana stance. I'm not pro-marijuana by any means, but I'm for the voluntary right to consume it.


My stance on the drug war is end it at the earliest possible convenience. Once the dollar collapses, DEA, FBI and ATF enforcement will become nearly impossible at any level. It's not very effective now, and these three agencies operate on a combined annual budget of over $11 billion. Agents aren't going to be enforcing the laws for free.


We will be offered a smorgasbord of formerly illicit substances at cut-rate prices to tame the unruly population into submission. People who are high generally don't take to the streets in protest.

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