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Starbucks seeking conversation about race relations

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I know it's fashionable to bash the politically correct corporate green mermaid, but is that fair? They are at least attempting to discus something not trivial.


They are inviting you to speak up.What do you guys think about engaging in a volatile topic with your local barista?




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I have to think this is just another attempt of a company nailing their political (cultural marxist) colours to the wall. I get there are some leftists that think this campaign is racist. But then they would think that. They think the mere suggestion of a race debate is racist.

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I agree with the guy that says "They're promoting racism by not promoting racism". In order for racism to disappear, skin color should hold as much sway as eye or hair color. Sometimes we don't even know the eye color of some of our closest friends, it's just not a factor in the relationship. Putting an emphasis on eye color will force us to notice. We're wired to find patterns, even where there are none, so we'll inadvertently notice a patterns in blue eyed people for instance. We'll then develop unfounded expectations of blue eyed people. Those unfounded expectations will lead to a modified behavior when dealing with blue eyed people. Even when a blue eyed person behaves entirely different than expected we'll just catalog that as "uncharacteristic blue eyed behavior", which is in itself a form of discrimination.

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The "race problem" is a media/government creation.  Starbucks is now just partnering up with the left in order to perpetuate an imaginary problem.  Why?  I'm sure there is some kind of favor being doled out to the CEO.  The world is full of idiots.

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The problem of racism is really one of humans being a pattern seeking species. I can think of at least three associations that people generally make and no one bats an eye because it has nothing to do with race (like stereotypes about gingers or blonds or smart girls).

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"Have a conversation about race" is code for:  HEY White people, confess to causing the vast majority problems within the black community.


Nobody for a second thinks it means "Hispanics need to reconsider their racism against Japanese people".


I've only seen whites and latinos at my local Starbucks. Can we still have racial conversations? I wonder how they would go.


Why are your people having so many children?


Why are your people having so few children?




I like eating your people's ethnic foods.


Yeah, Chick-Fil-A is pretty good, isn't it?

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It's the matrix of language, yes?  Climate denier.  Check your privilege. Anti racist. Where the accusation is as good as evidence.

There is considerable backlash against Starbucks from the left on this issue which is rather telling. Because folks talking might threaten the whole racial tension industry. Hello MRM.



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