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What exactly was it that feminism achieved?

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More people than ever are going unmarried;



and people are starting to take notice of why, and the implications of what this could have for America. Problems are more prevalent in America than ever before, and this is one of the results, as well as a cause. The above article goes on to suggest some reasons, but is out of touch with the perspective of men today. It tries to place the blame on men, as women have often done, and never cared to consider how little it has become worth it for men to even interact with women, as we will go over through this post. 


It does get one thing right, saying “Feminism was supposed to bring women happiness,” Crouse said. “But the research shows that women today are much more unhappy then they have been in the past. They’ve ended up with far more opportunities, but their personal happiness is way down.”


Women are hypergamous. They will marry up, but they will not marry down, while men will marry either way. It is in this aspect that women are more shallow. And although the argument can be made that it is more necessary for women to be this way because of the childbearing risk needing a resource provider, that argument is nullified when the women in question is the resource provider herself. 


Women fail to understand that they have trapped themselves in a state that goes against their natural gender instincts, and the frustration they have discovered at their journey into the workforce has come at their own philosophical fulfillment. 


It couldnt be avoided I suppose, as male-oriented jobs like manufacturing have been fairly alleviated in the US due to things like technological advancements that make men more obsolete;


And the jobs that are mostly left in this economy are healthcare, and service industry jobs. Service is predominantly a female job, as pretty faces bring in more customers of both genders, making women the more obvious candidates for hire. There is nowhere for men to go;




So despite what the first article claims, yes, the problem of marriage is largely due to men not having money, because they can't get jobs, among other factors. The thing is, men have created technologies which make life easier for women, to the point of men's obsoletion, and now that we have reached this point, women no longer appreciate men. 


So now we are at a point where men do not have jobs or money, and yet because of women's hypergamy, they still expect men to pay for dates, have a higher paying career, and put up with all of their other expectations, WITHOUT the prospect of sex. Sex was all a man could really hope for, as hypergamy negates any real possibility of love. Without the prospect of at least sex however, men have already come to the point where it's not worth it for them to even try, and have given up;



Unfortunately, feminism's reign of terror didnt end here. A law was recently passed that men must prove consent was given for any and all sexual acts, with no consideration of abuses for this law;



Think about this for a second. Many of the natural, enjoyable interactions happen in the moment. "It just happens" as women say. Random kisses, surprise hugs, the heat of the moment that is so fragile when setting the environment for sex with a woman. Now because of this law, every interaction must be preceded by a signed agreement to the action, destroying all natural male-female sexual interactions. 


But also, women are renown for their unwillingness to accept responsibility. If you did manage to get the woman to sign a contract agreeing to intercourse for one of the many attempts, she could participate and enjoy it, and later just because of social pressure say she did not actually want to, subjugating men to the already barbaric court system. 


And that's not all. You could never touch a woman at all, she could just have a grudge against you, and say you made an advance on her. There is no way to prove that she did not say yes OR no, and now because of this law you are guilty by default. 


In consideration of everything we have already seen, is it any wonder that men have long since given up on marriage, never mind an actual relationship or even sex? 


But we are not done yet. In the furthest reaches of female entitlements, in the deepest grasps of female tyranny, women are getting men to pay for children that are not even theirs;



Imagine that. A man could be safe at home, playing video games, doing his best to avoid the stupidity of what feminism has turned relationships into, and STILL have to pay for the faults of women. This is nothing new I suppose. Women have no lack of entitlements from the state, and have no lack of advantage in the court system. It was always indirect beforehand however. This is just the latest of developed feminist tyranny, a more direct and obvious display of the truth; that men are nothing but slaves in the new environment women have created. 

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  Let me offer a short answer without having given too much thought to it.  There are many kinds of feminism - but mostly had to do with women wanting to renegotiate their place in family and society following changes in economics in the post war period - there was an unprecedented level of wealth, and technology had both created less work for women, meaning they had more free time, as well as creating less work traditionally done by men.  This meant that a lot of the new work .  Similarly, the Civil Rights Movement followed certain economic developments, blacks had achieved a degree of economic self-sufficiency and community that had never existed for them, and it was this that allowed them to organize and make legitimate complaints about the Status Quo.

  Modern feminism, like modern racialism, is fundamentally a Statist phenomenon very different from its origins - In the wake of the success of these movements, to undermine white supremacy and male supremacy being written in the law and socially accepted, radical Marxist elements of these groups found out that the only way to continue making a living being paid to talk about this stuff was to go into academia and government.  The more classically liberal-minded people had essentially accomplished what they set out to do, so they moved on with their lives.  But others were determined to milk sexism and racism which they still continue to do.  The fact that this kind of radical feminism hasn't improved womens' lives will make no impact on these people, just as the fact that race policy has failed to help blacks will not stop those determined to .  Because the real purpose of the feminism and racialism that survives to this day is to exploit the guilt and stigma of men and whites who have been convinced that they should feel guilty for being alive, and to pander to the sense of entitlement of women and blacks who have made bad choices and don't want to take responsibility for their own lives.

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To add insult to injury, the sex that men earn is overrated. Do you know how much finagling it takes to transact a pleasurably slow tongue bath from a woman? Paying a professional would be more cost effective.


Sex usually ends up being more of a chore than a blessing, or an expression of love, although I'm certain this is because my parents amputated the end of my penis.


The only achievement of feminism is that women asked the state to enforce all the perks of having a biological monopoly on the eggs while keeping none of the responsibility or judgement of how to use them ethically or efficiently. It can only be considered an achievement from the woman's perspective, while men and children will continue to pay the costs well into the future.

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Feminism achieved equality in education, work, and finances. 

I agree with this except for the education part, but that its come at the cost of the situational fulfilment of men, children, and even women in other aspects of their lives. Stef himself has no lack of data of the detrimental effects of  children growing up without fathers, and women trying to go it alone because of their hypergamy are encouraging this stunted growth. Not to mention becoming philosophically frustrated themselves and not caring to understand, as women typically do not even care for philosophy. 


And then, when you add in the fact that the entitlements that arise from this situation only bolster the power of the state, what you see is a setting up of society to become dependent and never learn how to be self-sufficient, among other problems clearly seen with the state. 

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