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What's your IQ - a survey


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You can discount the black woman with an IQ of 70 on Mopad, that was my idea of a joke. Personally I believe that race is a divisive and destructive concept, it is inherently racist. I also believe IQ to be useless data in most cases.


What was the purpose behind falsifying this data? Are you insinuating that there is racism inherent in the recording of our IQs since gender and ethnicity is also requested?

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Unfortunately the posting of my response was delayed, my statement, "you may decide for yourself then" was in response to J-William who claimed that it is a rare bully who claims to be a bully. I was meaning that it is up to him to decide whether I am or not.


"My beef was that you didn't actually provide any reasoning by which I could independently arrive at your conclusion"


Thanks Kevin, point taken. Although I didn't actually intend to lay out the logic of my position in my first post. The intention was to provoke because I have trollish urges.


"Treating people like they are fragile little ceramic dolls is insulting"


Yes, you have a very reasonable mind. Unfortunately the vast majority of people do not respond very well at all to cold harsh logic. I do tend to treat most people as fragile dolls as they respond better to kindness as opposed to harsh logic.


"Are you insinuating that there is racism inherent in the recording of our IQs since gender and ethnicity is also requested?"


No, I only said that the concept of race is inherently racist. I'm not suggesting that the creator of the survey is racist in any way. Most people include race in surveys, perpetuating an irrational and destructive concept.


How much melanin does a person need in their skin in order to be black? I found it humorous that a man with an IQ of 146 also happens to self identify as Jewish. A very smart but tribal minded religious person perhaps?


Why no Hispanic category? How are the bio-sex and gender categories useful? Curiosity? This all seems very divisive to me and not in a rational way.

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Here is my stuff             Composite score   (CI)    %Rank     Descriptor

Verbal Comprehension           86               80-93     18              Low average

Perceptual Reasoning           109              102-115  73           High average

Full scale-4                             97              92-102    42           Average

Full scale-2                             97              90-104    42           Average

Read it right off of the paper

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was assessed as 155 by Mensa when I was 13. This was judged as top 1% at the time so I think  the scale is a little different to the one that Wikipedia uses which would put me at something ridiculous like 0.0003 percentile.


In practical terms, I am  the smartest person I know, (which is kind of depressing.)


Interesting to see most people here are above 120 odd. I expect there is a selection bias as the smarter you are the more you are likely to have tested your IQ (no one likes bad news.)


It is a bit worrying that if you do need quite a high IQ to get philosophy it is going to be might difficult to convert enough people to freedom.

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Interesting to see most people here are above 120 odd. I expect there is a selection bias as the smarter you are the more you are likely to have tested your IQ (no one likes bad news.)


It is a bit worrying that if you do need quite a high IQ to get philosophy it is going to be might difficult to convert enough people to freedom.


There are a number of of selection biases like the one you pointed out. Two others is that people with higher IQs are more likely to post their IQ, and that topics like philosophy and science tend to attract those with higher IQs. Personally, I need a large amount of intellectual stimulation each day.


I don't think UPB or the NAP are too difficult to understand as children have a very easy time universalizing rule, though there will of course be some small percentage of people who will not be capable of understanding even simpler theories.


A big reason why the topic of ethics seems to be so confusing is the large number of theories which ask questions that don't have a high relation to reality. Whenever I get into debates, most of the conversation is answering objections from just about every ethical theory ever. What is weird is that I am 99% sure that they wouldn't know where that idea came from or what it is called.


It is kind of like how Ayn Rand talked about various philosophies being brought into the social vocabulary through cultural mechanisms. It is really doubtful that a person who says "you have to suffer to be moral" has read Kant, but they somehow picked up that theory. Utilitarianism is a word that I don't think many people would know, yet if you say that someone ought to keep what they earn, the response "wouldn't him giving up his excess wealth make everyone else happier?" is inevitable. I think it is like how people have knowledge of the bible without ever reading it.

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  • 7 months later...

I was curious to know how many members of this forum, were also members of Mensa (or similar societies).   After doing a search and skimming over some of these posts, I see that IQ is quite the divisive issue, even on FDR.


After 'ghosting' over so many of these threads, and also keeping up with the Youtube comment section for Stef's videos, I would love to know the IQ's of the posters here (and there), as sometimes the nature of the internet makes it so difficult to tell.


It seems that Mensa no longer gives you an IQ score. They only give you a percentile ranking/range (and it also appears that they still think 'snail mail' is the way to go;)).

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I was assessed as 155 by Mensa when I was 13. This was judged as top 1% at the time so I think  the scale is a little different to the one that Wikipedia uses which would put me at something ridiculous like 0.0003 percentile.


I think there may be a different scale based on ages. It could be that the scale you were measured on was set to 100 as the average for white 13 year olds. If that's the case, it could also mean that your IQ simply developed faster than most. If you had 155 IQ by the adult scale (whereby the average for white adults over 18 is set to 100), then that would mean as an adult you probably have an insanely high IQ, maybe even too high to measure accurately.

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According to http://sifter.org/iqtest/index.html,
139 on the Stanford-Binet/USA scale (stdev 16)
159 on the European/Cattell scale (stdev 24)

The 139 is lower than previously measured values of ~143 in US elementary school. Taking this test while distracted negatively affected answers. I clicked back to look at what I got wrong &, 'Eureka!' The answers are obvious.

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Great test there. I scored 127/141. I wish there had of been a timer, or I had of kept time myself. Rush, rush, rush; trying to blast through it with time to spare, that I should have taken to check my answers. I made the same mistake when I took the Wonderlic, lol! At least this test provided the answer key, so we can laugh at our obvious mistakes, after the fact :)

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On the topic of narcissism it has struck me as the cleverest variation of "whoever smelt it dealt it" I think I have ever seen...


I did an IQ test whilst I was at university, but it was one that tested various categories, and there were several. My lowest was in the 130 range and highest was 140something. However to be honest I felt something was a bit bizarre, from my overall aptitude the psychologist seemed taken aback and asked what I was studying I answered English lit and said I should be doing some kind of advanced physics. However I sucked at science in the main at school so go figure.


I gather 130 is quite high, but still I can't help but be a little skeptical of the whole enterprise. Besides I hadn't slept the night before the test so I think I broke my brain a bit beforehand from tiredness. The other test I did that day pinpointed I was dyslexic however, which again was a bit strange as I had a reading age of 12-13 when I was 7-8.

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I was tested in school but they blacked out all the results with markers so we couldn't see them. I thought that was really strange at the time and I was frustrated because I had been agonizing over what the result might be the whole time. 


anyway I went over to iqtest.com: 




Dear Sayo,

Thank you for your interest in the test at IQTest.com.

Your general IQ score is: 119


I know that my dad was tested by and is a member of MENSA, although I never did ask him what is IQ was since we are basically strangers, I do fear that I have deviated back to the mean  :woot:  

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I don't know mine but have been eager to get tested. For what it is worth, the online tests are BS and illegitimate.

I don't trust online tests either.  I got 169 on a website once... which is totally ridiculous. I'm probably between 110 and 150. 170 is just too high.

We have to find a common & legitimate website or book or something.  

To the people who did real Mensa, can you confirm which website i legitimate? iqtest.com, mensa.se, sifter.org, iqcomparisonsite.com

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Now I know who the narcissists are.

I thought it was funny.




As to the topic at hand, 99th percentile.  ~130 +-5  In a room of 100 people, I'm probably the brightest guy, which is nice.  70 million people brighter worldwide, which is also nice.

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alliqtests.com is a great little site. It keeps track of your progress as well.  


It's really the timed tests that you want to look at (that's the only way you can really 'prepare' imo). Learn to gauge how much time you have per question, and try to get a little more comfortable answering questions, under the added pressure of the time component. Other than that, there's really nothing more you can do, besides relaxing and being yourself.


I'm still working on that too, lol! When the Mensa proctor informed the group, that this test is rarely finished; well, my determination to speed through it, almost cost me admission haha! 

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  • 1 month later...

Junior year of High School my parents took me to a psychologist for an evaluation. I was diagnosed with a learning disability when I was young, CAPD(Central Auditory processing disorder). So they wanted to get me re-evaluated and tested to possibly get some accommodations for things(which I didn't really need, I was a good student, but my parents just always wanted to have the best things for me possible). The psychologist had me take a 12 hour IQ test and a few others and did confirm that I had the learning disability still. 


My IQ is 139, and apparently people with that learning disability have higher IQs than normal people on average. Apparently my score results had some outliers, because as Stefan said people taking an IQ test tend to score similarly on all ;parts on an IQ test, no matter if they are a more math oriented or not. I did only average on memory test, and below average on auditory processing, but everything else was through the roof.... which she said were indicators of a learning disability and she said my IQ could actually be higher. 


I do like talking about IQ tests and results and things... it is genuinely interesting. I don't know if it would be as interesting if I felt like I had a below average intelligence or not. I would never reveal my score to someone I've met in person unless they directly ask me, on an internet forum where these things are freely discussed, I don't find it narcissistic, in my opinion. 

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117-123 from when I did my ADHD assessment about 2 years ago.

Got wreaked on tasks requiring attention and working memory vs everything else. Huge variance in scores.


I though I was dyslexic (father and 2 sisters both diagnosed) and was diagnosed with dyslexic/ADHD/ADD tendencies. Basically there was something wrong and it presented as above but didn't fully fit any singular diagnosis. About a year after that I found FDR (through advertising, thank you donators!) found the bomb in the brain and the ACE information and got hit by the tidal wave if you know what I mean.


I think doing another test after FDR, Lumonisity (brain training app) and therapy could be interesting.

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I don't know mine but have been eager to get tested. For what it is worth, the online tests are BS and illegitimate.


IQ does go with reaction time.

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