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Optimizing (Growing) the FDR Youtube Channel

Mr. Wrong

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This youtuber, MatPat, is an expert with regards to growing channels. He can demonstrate how less videos can result in greater growth and even overall views per video. His channel views alone should be enough to back up his claims of expertise (besides the fact he advises large channels) since at 4 million subscribers he gets 75%+ views per Game Theory video. That's massive considering youtube stars such as Markiplier actually rake in less views that he does even though he has a channel 1.5x larger. Even PewDiePie can't compete with those percentages. Yes he has higher view counts but not higher percentages which is key. According to the system MatPat uses he will not, or at least attempts to prevent, subscriber burnout. He gets 75%+ of total subscriber views for each main video and he intends to keep that percentage locked as the channel grows. Imagine if Stef had those same percentages?


In essence, MatPat is an expert in creating return customers.


I suggest Stefan and the crew look into this if they haven't already and, should they see merit in it, consult this man on how to grow FDR. He may even suggest that the second channel actually hinders Stef's growth. Who knows? He's gone so far as to analyze the youtube algorithm and monitors it for any changes. He makes a good albeit quick case that playing the algorithm is key to getting views and what worked before a new update might not work now thus one must monitor it regularly. It's a scary thought that the distributor, youtube, could be unintentionally destroying your channel but it is a reality. Anyway, here is the video:



Y'know, Stef's analysis of movies is fun, but perhaps he could attempt to do what MatPat does with his Game Theory show? Present an interesting theory and argue for it but in the realm of movies or popular books. For example, recall the post Stef had read about Harry Potter being a mental patient in a mental health facility called Hogwarts? That theory was interesting and dare I say brilliant. Mix in the sort of editing style that people appear to enjoy the most (use stock images, no talking head, etc) and this could make for an interesting addition to the channel. If the analysis of MatPat determines that Stef should make less of [X] type of video or space them out more, he will necessarily have more time for other things.


We know that some shows are more popular than others like his 'Truth About' series for example. On that note I don't think Stef should address the title of the series in the way he does. It's called 'The Truth' but recently he's tempered that by calling it an opinion. Well, I think he would be better served to explain that, in using the methodology of reason and evidence, he has determined that this is indeed the truth. In calling it that it is left to us, the viewer, to prove him wrong otherwise we cannot claim that Stef's 'truth' isn't actually the truth given that he has adhered to the method by which we would determine it anyway. Suffice to say Stef isn't making a truth claim without evidence thus we can't dismiss it without evidence either. But neither should Stef temper his claim my calling it an opinion.


To me the title of the series has always been an open challenge wherein to disagree necessarily requires we refute his reasoning and evidence and not merely his opinion. We can't just say, "That isn't the truth!" because we have no idea what the truth is ourselves. We cannot make such an objective claim. Therefore we must do our due diligence with regard to the topic in order to disagree or just shut up and refer to Stef's reasoning and the evidence he provides. I think making this point, though less harshly, at the beginning of each video would be effective at incentivizing others to investigate the topic themselves (hopefully bringing them to the same conclusion and thus subscribing) and for others to share it as a strong challenge to others.


I can't be the only one who sees the title as an open challenge. I think that has a lot to do with it's popularity. Anyway yeah, something to consider for everyone and the FDR crew. Best to refer to an expert with regard to growing the channel until you are one yourself. I guess that's my advice.

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Well I think you're confusing FDR's end goal.  I would assume that FDR wants to expose the greatest amount of people possible to philosophy and thus reasoning and peaceful parenting.  So they really have no need to get all of their subscriber's (people who are exposed to FDR already) to view each individual video.  They instead want to put out as much trending content as possible in order to gain new potential podcast viewers.  And they accomplish that quite well.


Looking at their stats, description text, tags, wpm, subtitles and whatnot they seem to be doing everything as good as you can do it.  I'm not sure if their default tags provide any value to SEO or if they actually water it down but I'm sure they've A/B split tested it.

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