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Logic is a form of female oppression

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Has modern feminism has gone full Idiocracy with its latest claim that logic is part of the patriarchy?



Along the same lines, this Reed college student questioned statistics about rape culture in his (mandatory) Humanities 101 class. He has been banned from class and caused a PR nightmare for the free speech reputation of his "progressive" (Reed) college.

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I remember listening to a podcast by the transsexual writer Melanie Phillips, in which she complained of examples of male-dominating logical unpleasantness like "written contracts".  She said she would work as an underground agent against men, using her intimate understanding of male psychology "against them."


So what are we approaching, a whimocracy, where women's whims are more important than fact or principle?  AVFM termed this "infantriarchy" or rule by infants--women--ahem, the elite feminists--whose whims are translated into action by white knight bureaucrats and their bully boys.

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Related to, but a slight tangent. Has anyone heard of this Safe-Space? It's where sane, philosophical, and traditional thinking folks are banned from. 

I propose a Safe Safe-space. The symbol could be a blue square with lots of flare surrounded by a rainbow circle with lots of smiley faces. This would be a place where anyone can go who wishes to be around rational and sane people. I'm sure the tolerant left would welcome this diversity.

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Claim to use logic for feminism, claim logic is oppressive. Not enough facepalm.


Plato vs Aristotle: the battle of the ages, and a dangerous paradox playing out before us. 

The irrational cloak themselves as rational up to and including the point at which they thrust a knife into the rational by claiming it's justified because they feel hurt.

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Logic is a tool of the capitalists , scientists and inventors that happened to make modern society possible.

What do you bet these people use Macs and own iPhones.... Won't they be disappointed that Apple owns Logic, and Apples tools of oppression also use quite a lot of logic, they also happen to have involved a lot of men in making them.


Hopefully some day we can disregard all this patriarchal logic and get back to dying in squalor and filth.


Don't worry Marxists, communists and purveyors of human pigsties don't need logic reason or evidence to put their wet sloppy boot on the neck of humanity.

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I remember listening to a podcast by the transsexual writer Melanie Phillips, in which she complained of examples of male-dominating logical unpleasantness like "written contracts".  She said she would work as an underground agent against men, using her intimate understanding of male psychology "against them."


So what are we approaching, a whimocracy, where women's whims are more important than fact or principle?  AVFM termed this "infantriarchy" or rule by infants--women--ahem, the elite feminists--whose whims are translated into action by white knight bureaucrats and their bully boys.


*Facepalm* not that Imbicille.....please don't get me started on her....She is a "Walking Eagle" and that is all I will say.


Has modern feminism has gone full Idiocracy with its latest claim that logic is part of the patriarchy?




Along the same lines, this Reed college student questioned statistics about rape culture in his (mandatory) Humanities 101 class. He has been banned from class and caused a PR nightmare for the free speech reputation of his "progressive" (Reed) college.



last time I heard this level of an Intelligence Vacuum it was coming from a Radical Feminist group in the UK that had "Eradicating the Male Gender to Save the Human Spices" as a stated primary goal.....>.<

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Logic is a tool of the capitalists , scientists and inventors that happened to make modern society possible.

What do you bet these people use Macs and own iPhones.... Won't they be disappointed that Apple owns Logic, and Apples tools of oppression also use quite a lot of logic, they also happen to have involved a lot of men in making them.


Hopefully some day we can disregard all this patriarchal logic and get back to dying in squalor and filth.


Don't worry Marxists, communists and purveyors of human pigsties don't need logic reason or evidence to put their wet sloppy boot on the neck of humanity.


As an audio-engineer, Apple's Logic is the worst kind of Logic. The D/A and encoding in Logic Pro is like you made every recording next to an active blender across the street from a jet turbine test facility. Reason is a different story, I like Reason.


On-topic: what can people opposed to this non-sensical narrative do about it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Successful memes or groups of memes develop self defence mechanism. In the same way that 'god moves in mysterious ways' alleviates the need to explain why god appears to not interfere when needed, the bad type of feminism has had a long history of creating such self defenses but in a more aggressive manner.


The idea of the semi mystical patriarchy and the subjective oppression that comes from this is one of these catch all self defence mechanisms. This allows them to seek out offence both as a means to strengthen their own belief system of oppression and to aggressively silence those that criticise them through guilt and unfounded accusation. 


It is dangerous for radical feminists to have facts spelt out without leaping to the narrative first as this puts the truth in plain view, whatever that may be.* When logic is applied to the facts, this not only shows reality to be significanlty different to their narrative, but it also shows the inadequacy of their methodology. It is therefore a sensible act of self defence for the meme (and the movement) to label logic as oppressive.



*I came across a good example of the data being embarrassing the other day when watching a debate on whether men were under attack in society. A man quoted that men disproportionately commit suicide in the UK compared to women, to which his point was dismissed by stating that many women are killed in domestic violence.


Statistically however 150 women are killed in the UK though domestic violence each year, (and about 20 men) however there were 4590 male suicides verses 1391 for women, making suicide a much bigger problem. (3199 verses 130.)


Unfortunately, as it was MSM no such statistics were produced and the woman won the point of the argument.

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This was posted on a video recently(replace "woman" with "radical feminist" in the interests of PC):


I hold to my assertion that women's only real connection to reality is their feelings. How they feel is reality to them. And, we all know feelings change (especially when they aren't based on anything) and thus REALITY changes for women. They don't "feel" like they are lying because their feelings on the matter may have really changed. Thus, the reality of the event actually changed (in their mind at least). That is why you have to document EVERYTHING when women are involved.

And, of course, because admitting to lying doesn't "feel" good, they won't want to admit they lied. They won't even address the issue if you confront them. They will say something to the effect of "you just don't understand what this FEELS like", "you don't understand what women go through"  or some other code for essentially "you just don't get that reality changes when my feelings do".

Finally, yes pretty much all women ARE like that. They "feel" one thing when exercising power, and "feel" something else entirely when they are held accountable and have to face the consequences of their actions. And, thus have no problem with two version of reality about the exact same event....the powerful women teaching a man a lesson, and the helpless victim being abused by a man ("blaming the victim").

Men's feelings change as well, and men are perfectly capable of lying as well. The difference (in the majority of men at least) is that men have enough grounding in reality to understand that they lying. Even if you are able to get a women to admit things didn't happen the way they said they did (I.E. they lied about it), the vast majority STILL won't admit to lying about it. They just get upset and confused, and "feel" like you are attacking them....and thus reality for them is that you are.

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This was posted on a video recently(replace "woman" with "radical feminist" in the interests of PC):


I hold to my assertion that women's only real connection to reality is their feelings. How they feel is reality to them. And, we all know feelings change (especially when they aren't based on anything) and thus REALITY changes for women. They don't "feel" like they are lying because their feelings on the matter may have really changed. Thus, the reality of the event actually changed (in their mind at least). That is why you have to document EVERYTHING when women are involved.


And, of course, because admitting to lying doesn't "feel" good, they won't want to admit they lied. They won't even address the issue if you confront them. They will say something to the effect of "you just don't understand what this FEELS like", "you don't understand what women go through"  or some other code for essentially "you just don't get that reality changes when my feelings do".


Finally, yes pretty much all women ARE like that. They "feel" one thing when exercising power, and "feel" something else entirely when they are held accountable and have to face the consequences of their actions. And, thus have no problem with two version of reality about the exact same event....the powerful women teaching a man a lesson, and the helpless victim being abused by a man ("blaming the victim").


Men's feelings change as well, and men are perfectly capable of lying as well. The difference (in the majority of men at least) is that men have enough grounding in reality to understand that they lying. Even if you are able to get a women to admit things didn't happen the way they said they did (I.E. they lied about it), the vast majority STILL won't admit to lying about it. They just get upset and confused, and "feel" like you are attacking them....and thus reality for them is that you are.


That looks like it was lifted from The Way of the Superior Man.

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feminists claiming "logic is invalid and a form of oppression" isn't news, I distinctly remember back in school, at least 14 years ago, an ethics teacher (instead of religion class) mentioned it as a side note

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Logic doesn't mesh well with wishful thinking, whim, and caprice.


The funny irony is that logic is responsible for millions of women being alive today through technological innovations in engineering and medicine who might otherwise have died.

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