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Pleasantville: the prison of the mind


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The movie Pleasantville is playing on my TV right now. While it has been available to me for sometime, I never watched it until now. I don't know what the producers are trying to say but I can see it is how people are imprisoned in their own minds. When watched from the prospective of we who have broken the chains, it is a very interesting movie.

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Oh yeah, I remember watching that movie, I really liked that. I'll have to watch it again.


Is this a movie review post?

I remember the first time I watched it I was seeing it through the male actor's experience. I wonder if I'll have as much sympathy now for him falling for that woman.

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I do not wish to review the movie and I wanted to keep my commentary generic so as to not spoil potential viewers.


I suspect the major thrust, given the political bent of some folks involved, was to show what might happen if politically conservative people could create their ideal community. However, I think that misses the real point.


Does this comment belong under Philosophy? While watching the movie I realized the characters could leave Pleasantville if they could break the chains in their own minds. Philosophy could free them. 

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