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It's official: Quality parenting time more important than quantity.

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Mothers can get jobs, not be around their kids, and turns out this is a good thing according to recent study. A study to make female parents feel better about paying taxes instead of taking care of their children AKA feminism.  Get ready for a big dose of (the state is good) utilitarianism.


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Step 1

Apply for a grant for the following studies:

  • Smoking is good for you
  • Obesity is sexy
  • USA #1
  • White males are dumb and evil
  • Whatever you're doing, you're right in doing it
  • Beings progressive can stop global warming and asteroids
  • You're a victim and everybody else has to pay
  • You're smarter, sexier, taller and wiser than everyone
  • It's OK to exploit others

Step 2

Cash in.


Step 3

Bro down.

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Great, nothing wrong with that!


"Success is far more dependent on the mother's education level and family income, say the report’s researchers"


I'm sure that children really care about how much school their mother had and how much they earned...


Is this part saying that kids should spend time with both parents to turn out well?

"Adolescents, spend with both parents during meals and other moments of family time, the more likely they will be as teenagers to stay focused and out of trouble. "

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"intensive mother- ing serves the interests of the most powerful, “namely men, whites, the upper classes, cap- italist owners and state leaders” (p. 162) by having individual mothers devoted to rearing well-educated, disciplined, and healthy children while not competing much in the workplace themselves and doing work in the home that frees up men’s time. "


**Rant Alert**

I AM NOT, nor have ever been, OPPRESSED!  My mothering shouldn't be labeled "Intensive" just because I CHOSE to stay home with my son.  I do QUALITY AND QUANTITY with him every. single. day... I made a conscious, informed choice and LISTENED to that nagging guilt and left my promising career behind (for now) for better things.  I have never regretted that choice.  Every morning when my son greets me with a face beaming with JOY all doubt is washed away.  I would never in a million years trade that for expensive coffee in a gray cubicle surrounded by people I barely know; just because a "feminist" wants to tell me so.  

**End Rant**



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