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12 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Laid by a Libertarian Lady

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Your thoughts? Don't these reasons apply to women in general?



There is only one field-of-study which simultaneously: (1) knows which of her reasons are legitimate and which are bullshit, and (2) teaches men to both accept her legitimate reasons and to make a large amount of practiced changes to his personality so that he can legitimately date a libertarian lady. 


This field-of-study has a lot of scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness, but is angrily opposed by People Who Have Never Tried It as "immoral" and "fraudulent". 


The field-of-study is called Game, and its most esteemed teachers are Heartiste, Roosh, and Rollo. 


Ignore them at your own peril. 

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I jokingly wrote on her boyfriend's FB page that they're few women who could benefit from learning No 1, 2 and 7. :D


What I find particularly funny about this article though is that Avens (the author), is a rather outspoken critic of Stefan who claims that he is sexist for pointing out some of the worst habits of certain women. I assume in Avens world that as a woman pointing out some of the worst habits of some men is considered 'helpful' and not sexist. :P

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I appreciated this list; some of these I would do well to mull over. Let's face it, most women want a man with a good solid career, humor, and a natural confidence. Libertarianism isn't about implementing values in your life to make real change, so of course women who are looking for a provider aren't going to be attracted to it. I don't identify as libertarian. I'm a philosopher, which I'm sure has it's own list of hard truths from women. (e.g: don't ask her if her parents were abusive on the first date)


Why is it about getting laid? Is it to increase click thru? "Why you're still single" doesn't have the seem ring, or maybe there are a lot of libertarian guys who only care about sex.


Thanks for sharing.

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#13: You've never met one.

#14: Don't want one.


The only place I've been where there were any libertarian women was libertopia, and all of them were either with dudes, gnar, or just completely withdrawn and thus, totally uninteresting. It's 72 degrees, sunny, with a bunch of cool shit to learn and everyone's sitting around smoking or glued to their cellphone. Being libertarian doesn't make you magically delicious. That boring, pain in the ass you used to be? Same boring, pain in the ass you still are but now anti-state.


I'm sick of this condescending attitude that not only are men looking specifically for these unicorn libertarian women, but that we must just be so pathetic and desperate that we just can't attract them. Or that these women are worth just fawning over and obsessing about catching. Bitch, I ain't even interested in the first place. Skanks are more fun, quite frankly, and they don't make lame ass lists.


Like on #4 she be like, don't start a pissing match and what does she screenshot? A pissing contest where she put in like 10X the effort of the guy she's dissing...

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Like on #4 she be like, don't start a pissing match and what does she screenshot? A pissing contest where she put in like 10X the effort of the guy she's dissing...


Yea, that was ironic right. Not to mention the creepertarian one where she scolds the creepy guy for taking a selfie with her. How many guys will now be thinking, 'was I that creep that took a selfie with her?'. :D


She's probably right about a few things. Like having more interests than just libertarianism. But much of it seems like a lot of pandering to women's tastes, like choice of clothes and fashion style. Which is fine of course, just be honest about it. The author is a high quality women in her circles, so I guess this is her preference. But I do get a little tired of women that feel completely at ease telling men how to behave and dress themselves. I can only imagine the howls of displeasure if it were ever the other way round.


Perhaps Stefan should offer a counter version for women. Then again, perhaps not. That might be considered a pissing contest. :P

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