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What's up with the Dating Q&A?

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In a recent podcast FDR2940 Stefan mentioned possibly putting out a Q&A for dating. Questions we should be asking while we are looking for that honest courageous trust worthy empathic person. Full of integrity and genuine curiosity. And the answers that will kind of be a tellings sign they are not the one. I would really love for this information to come out. I can speak from my experience dating has been a hit a miss like fishing with my eye close on the blackest nights.

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While you're waiting, here are two interesting pieces which you may like to read:


Libertarian Loneliness: Why Libertarians Have Problems Hooking Up



6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person


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While you're waiting, here are two interesting pieces which you may like to read:


Libertarian Loneliness: Why Libertarians Have Problems Hooking Up



6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person




Thank you for the articles. I skim through both. My thoughts, I was already familiar with similar tips and kinda already knew this stuff. Growing up I read a lot of "Men's Health" they talk about this sometimes in their articles. I know the value aspects. Stefan had me curious he said something like you can tell in like the first few minutes of dating by asking a few specific questions. I guess I want to make my dates more efficient and just ask the right questions.

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