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Any recommended psychology books for self knowledge?


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Hello! That's a great aim to follow.

I recommend the works of Albert Ellis and Nathaniel Branden.

I thinks these books are practical:
"Three minute therapy" (M.Edelstein)

"Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy" (A.Ellis)
"REBT: it works for me, it can for you" (A.Ellis)

"Six pillars of self esteem" (N.Branden)
"Honoring the self" (N.Branden)


I know there are many other psychologists out there that deserve being studied. I don't know many of them. These are the two I have learnt from.

I found Ellis to be very helpful because his approach is focused on your current belief system.

Branden does a great job in convincing you why you deserve to appreciate yourself and to develop your thinking.


I hope this helps. If you like some feedback or discuss when you study these books, post your thoughts.



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Daniel Mackler and Fred Timm have produced a book that contains a 12-step type method for self-exploration. There are a lot of good questions in it to ask yourself and journal about. It's called "From Trauma to Enlightenment."


Is there something in particular that you would like to explore? Like, shame, boundaries, punishment, narcissism, etc.

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"Psychology of self esteem" by Nathaniel Branden

John Bradshaw's "Healing the shame that binds you" - although he's a christian, I like how he describes the ways families are dysfunctional and he talks about what a good family is

"In the realm of hungry ghosts" by Gabor Mate it's available as an audio book and helped me get a new look on the problem of addiction. 

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