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A new book on the Mecosystem


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Hello FDR! I'd like to get some feedback on a project I am pursuing at the moment :)

I am in the process of writing a book on the Mecosystem(if you have not heard of the term before, it is a word that as far as I know Stefan coined, it is basically Internal Family System http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Family_Systems_Model). I want to basically introduce the concept of Mecosystems and give the basics of how one can work with ones Mecosystem, inspired by both Stef's podcasts on it, IFS theory, and how I have worked with it.

My question to you guys is, if you were (or still are) new to the concept of you not having one personality, but actually several, what kind of questions would you ask of the person proposing this theory?

Have a good day folks :)

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Writing a book on it? I can't wait to buy it and read it of course! I do not have an indepth understanding of the concept but I do have personal experience with my own mecosystem. I know everyone has experience with his or her own mecosystem, but not everyone is conscious of it.

One question for people new to the idea, beyond defining what a mecosystem is, could be "how does one know that a mecosystem is indeed interanlized family members and not simply one's own self?" And another one, "Is the fact that we have mecosystems necessarily a bad thing, or is there any potential for reasonable good to come out of mecosystems?"

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Cool! Writing a book on the mecosystem is an ambitious task to take on, but I'm glad someone is doing it.


As someone who is undergoing IFS therapy myself I still have many questions about it. I will try to write from the perspective of someone new to the idea since that's what you asked for.

1. Am I crazy if I debate with myself?

2. Is there something that ties all of the parts together?

3. I heard that your parts can have parts.... that sounds really complex. How do you keep it all straight?

4. Is this theory backed up by science?

5. Is it true that everyone I meet in my dreams is a part?

6. Is it true that all parts are based on people I have met in my conscious life?

7. I watched the show Dexter, who supposedly had a 'dark passenger'. Can some parts be irredeemably evil?


Send me a pm if you want to talk about your exciting project privately.

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I know a bit about IFS but some initial questions I might have asked are...


Questions I would ask:


  1. If I am a collection of different parts, which one is the real me?
  2. How do I tell in real time if the real me is speaking or acting or if it is a part?
  3. How can this knowledge help me? What are the benefits?
  4. How does this relate to will power and resisting temptation? Can I strengthen my part that wants to stick to my diet for example?
  5. What happens when all my parts live together in harmony?
  6. How do I know when parts agree or disagree?
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1.  How can I prove/test this theory?

2.  How can I get a sense of identifying each part as being separate personalities rather than differing perspectives of a singular ego?

3.  Do my different parts get names?  Will they have unique voices?  How will I recognize them?

4.  How do I balance negotiations when all choices we make are inherently going to deny other choices?

     -For example:  How do we balance the desire to self-medicate vs. the desire to not self-medicate? 

     -How do we get the parts who are self-destructive to communicate verbally rather than through actions?

5.  How do we quickly negotiate towards happiness and away from corruption?

6.  What do I do with anger towards myself and parts who are hostile?

7.  How can I negotiate with my parts to continue this therapeutic process?


I'm super excited for your book my friend! :D   Let me know if you need any help from someone not well versed but enthusiastic and supportive :D


 I'm about to enter IFS therapy in a few weeks.  In time I want to try both IFS and Coherence therapy and see if I can blend the two theories into something tangible.  Coherence therapy is less of a system and more of a methodology and I really want to see if it can expedite negotiations with parts :)

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Sounds cool. I can't wait to read your book.


I started IFS therapy recently and some questions that have crossed my mind are...


1. Can parts be accessed at any time, like when I'm driving or walking around outside? Is that recommended?

2. How do I know I'm talking to a part of myself and not some character I invented in my imagination?

3. Whats the best way to get into the headspace where I can access parts? What if I just draw a blank?

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