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"I'm only one man, not an island!"


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I've noticed a pattern in myself, possibly my thinking, too.  There are a lot of things I feel I need a guiding hand in order to accomplish and/or resolve.  With guitar, I never had the patience and discipline to learn lead guitar, but I still wanted to do it.  Now, though, after taking lessons for a year, I'm a proud and developing lead guitarist.  With drawing, again I feel like my lack of patience and discipline is halting an otherwise faster learning curve.  I will be taking art classes in June to remedy that, so I'm very excited for that.  And then there's self-knowledge.  I've been reading the Self-Therapy book by Jay Earley, and while it's been a great read, I feel like I'd make much better progress with a therapist.  Sadly, specialists in IFS in my city are slim, not to mention I have no money to pay for a therapist myself.  The only way I can think of for me to do therapy now is if I go with someone under my parents' plan.  My parents' already have a unfavorable view of me going to therapy, more specifically my mother, who has shown me that she is dwelling in self-hatred and calling me desperate for seeking help.  Seeing how I'm looking to defoo eventually, that's a problem for me.  


So I'm in a pickle, to say the least.  Talking to my FDR friends has helped a lot, but I still need more.  Don't get me wrong, I don't expect someone else to solve all my problems, but I do need someone to focus on me and walk me through how to find the answers I seek.  


I guess this thread is part question, part vent.  Though, I hope I'll invite curiosity and conversation, instead of flack.  Maybe even some help or suggestions?

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Damn. Sorry to hear that your mom isn't supportive about you wanting to do something positive for yourself. It's tough to hear that a parent doesn't want the best for you. There are much smarter folks here than I but I thought I'd respond.

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