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Rushing change

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There is a sorrow in me, which - I think - all of you have experienced, which is the fact that we will never see the sunrise of a liberated world. But is it really true, though? Are we really that far away from freedom that we have no chance to see its unfolding? If we calculate the technological accomplishments in the medical fields that has yet to come according to Moore's law and arrive to the conclusion that we may live up to a hundred or maybe more, is it really that far away? I refuse to accept it, not because if I would do accept this statement, I would stop arguing for anarchy, but because I want to see the fruit of this all. I want to. 


And since this is my approach to the subject, my mind keeps coming up with new ways of hastening the change, and I thing there is a way which short-circuits the question: who would build the roads. I think what should be done is building up the social environment according to anarchistic principles and presenting a different way of life to the masses. 


In practical terms it would mean basically that private businessis would get into the fields that are mostly run by the state - for example education - and would provide a service far more superior. And now I am not thinking about building a private hospital out of thin air. I came up with two ideas that could be implemented, the first is education. What about crating a high school with only one class - and this would only require a smaller house, not a mall-sized prison - with just a couple teachers about four with the proper training. Parents would pay to the school directly, and the children would get the education they deserve according the their physical and psychological needs, and in the end of their courses, they would be armed with valuable market and social skills, and would be thought critical thinking, would be helped during their years to accomplish their goals in the fields of science and art and so on. 


Protection agencies could work locally, in a neighborhood or even in just a street. Gadgets - for example a belt - could be produced which would instantly signal to the department if there is a crime going on and they could be there to interfere. In my country gun ownership is banned, but the system can be cheated through for example completing a security guard course. 


These solutions and others like these would be possible even today to accomplish, and if such a movement could create a social wave and would spread, the "services" of any government would become needless and from that, anarchy is inevitable.


I am writing a novel set in an anarchist society, and when i'm finished with that, going to write its prelude that would show how the world turned to liberty and the non-aggression principle. I will put these solutions into it and I'd like to think what do you think about these and if you have any other ideas that I would mercilessly steal :)

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The generation being born right now (Millennial + 15) will be the first generation since the Great Depression projected to see a decrease in average life expectancy. This is a consequence of the past forty years of government-run nutrition policy, and propaganda pushed through the media and public school.


In the future, many hospitals will not exist because they are mainly an outgrowth of the state, which is rapidly going bankrupt. Medicine will be more focused on prevention, and medical advice will be dispensed via teleconferencing. To keep costs down, testing will be performed by the end user, and the results transmitted to health care professionals for analysis.

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