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Are emotions and feelings subjective?


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For instance if someone were to slap me in the face, I would feel pain. Is that feeling subjective? Or if someone told me they loved me and I felt happy about it, is that subjective?


If it isn't subjective then how is that dertermined? Through the validity of the senses?

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The fact that neurons fire and move in your head is absolutely objective. The feeling the experience of it is subjective.


However we are all humans here and relative to your selfknowledge and mental health we all experience same feelings by the same definations, aka slapping a masocist vs slapping your avarage guy vs slapping mentally unhinged person yields differant feelings. But all of us experience pain.


And those feelings, fear, joy or anger are subjectively experienced but thye do refer to either same or similiar enough experiences.

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The fact that neurons fire and move in your head is absolutely objective. The feeling the experience of it is subjective.


However we are all humans here and relative to your selfknowledge and mental health we all experience same feelings by the same definations, aka slapping a masocist vs slapping your avarage guy vs slapping mentally unhinged person yields differant feelings. But all of us experience pain.


And those feelings, fear, joy or anger are subjectively experienced but thye do refer to either same or similiar enough experiences.

So then you are saying it is both objective and subjective? In other words, a masochist is slapped. He has an objective experience of pain from the slap, and a subjective experience of enjoying the pain?

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DaVinci, forgive me for being presumptuous, and definitely tell me whether I'm wrong, but I think you're asking this question because you're having "strange emotional reactions" to a certain situation that you don't know are legitimate or illegitimate (valid or invalid).


Am I right? 

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