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Lewinsky VS Hillary

Devon Gibbons

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[Fake quote, read as a hardcore action flick announcer]

Hillary was committed to the President through the affair in 1998. Now Monica's BACK AGAIN to test the commitment of Hillary to her New love, AMERICA.


So in the past year, Monica Lewinsky has started coming out, I saw this TED video:



--Her talk about shame seems to be kind of a paltry aside compared to what this means for Hillary's political career ie. BOOST UP.
I mean, if you think about it, it kind of goes to Hillary's credit that Monica has come out. I assume this will trigger people's past associations of Monica with Hillary being stalwart through the affair and committing to the relationship. And since she'd be older upon entering presidency, she's perceptibly "wiser" than her husband (was). I wonder if some people might vote for Hillary because they want to give her some kind of one up, like "YOU CAN DO IT!" (kind of like basic feminist propaganda to take over the household and be the man). To have this (not really) young naive, SHAME ON YOU SHAMER, woman come back out automatically makes Hillary seem more aged, wise, and ethical.
She has a vested interest in propagating this message that we should not shame people. lol. One of the most obvious displays of hypocrisy related to politics that I've seen in a while.
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The timing is indeed interesting... I was thinking more along the lines of working AGAINST Hillary. Trolling Hillary, reminding her of the pain in her past concerning this. Hillary has been known to cry when the going gets tough, and the media was all too ready to pick up on it and use it against her. 


If she becomes president it will be a testament to how  brainwashed America is. With her previous campaign foolishness available for reference, Monica coming back to elbow her in the side, the whole debacle about her involvement in letting the soldiers at the embassy die and more, I think the "Stop Hillary" campaign has all the ammo it needs to take her down.

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The timing is indeed interesting... I was thinking more along the lines of working AGAINST Hillary. Trolling Hillary, reminding her of the pain in her past concerning this. Hillary has been known to cry when the going gets tough, and the media was all too ready to pick up on it and use it against her. 


If she becomes president it will be a testament to how  brainwashed America is. With her previous campaign foolishness available for reference, Monica coming back to elbow her in the side, the whole debacle about her involvement in letting the soldiers at the embassy die and more, I think the "Stop Hillary" campaign has all the ammo it needs to take her down.


Utopian, I must disagree.  Do you remember the wicked laugh she busted out about Qadaffi?  (We came, we saw, he died).  I do not think this is a woman who cries when the going gets tough.  As a young woman, she got herself on the watergate committee (rumor has it she had the job of protecting CIA operatives involved in the affair), and was fired for lying.  I think she is much more formidable than someone who simply cries when the going gets tough, unless it is with crocodile tears calculated, as Shirgall put it, for the greatest political advantage.


I think that at this level of power, the dynamics go waaaay beyond the personal feelings of the candidate.  I have read several accounts of Hillary and Bill having an open marriage (Larry Nichols, and the state trooper who guarded the Clintons when Bill was governor), and I just don't think that kind of woman gets riled up by women her husband had an affair with (what even constitutes as an affair in an open marriage anyhow?).


As far as anyone having the 'ammo to take her down', I would say that given all the scandals that Hillary has been involved in over the years (whitewater, Benghazi, Saudi money in the Clinton Foundation, etc), the fact that she is running with such widespread media support shows that no amalgamation of facts can take her down.  Powerful people seem to have ordained that she's destined for the white house.  If there was anything about Hillary's political career that adhered to facts and reason, we probably wouldn't even know her name.

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I also think it's a bit of a stretch to claim this could be working for Hillary. All it does for me, is remind me that the facade politicians create is entirely fictional. The media likes to pretend Hillary is a new woman, a clean slate, but this just brings back all the scandals that have surrounded her. I would imagine it's the same for other people.

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Utopian, I must disagree.  Do you remember the wicked laugh she busted out about Qadaffi?  (We came, we saw, he died).  I do not think this is a woman who cries when the going gets tough.  


No I never heard that one. I just tried to find the Glenn Beck episode where Glenn is trolling Hillary for crying but I couldnt find it. It should be no involved matter, however, to find the very famous picture of Hillary's face during the raid on Osama. She emotes fairly easily, and that can be used against her as a display of weakness. Do you want a president who freaks out when Russia starts scrambling bombers?


I think that at this level of power, the dynamics go waaaay beyond the personal feelings of the candidate.  I have read several accounts of Hillary and Bill having an open marriage (Larry Nichols, and the state trooper who guarded the Clintons when Bill was governor), and I just don't think that kind of woman gets riled up by women her husband had an affair with (what even constitutes as an affair in an open marriage anyhow?).


As far as anyone having the 'ammo to take her down', I would say that given all the scandals that Hillary has been involved in over the years (whitewater, Benghazi, Saudi money in the Clinton Foundation, etc), the fact that she is running with such widespread media support shows that no amalgamation of facts can take her down.  Powerful people seem to have ordained that she's destined for the white house.  If there was anything about Hillary's political career that adhered to facts and reason, we probably wouldn't even know her name.



You have a point here, and it speaks to something I call "the government show" where we do not actually have a democracy in America any more, just a few candidates like Hillary who are corporately owned and financed by these corporations, and thus get all the attention while shutting everything else out. I do think, if someone were to do it right, there could be a very effective anti-Hillary campaign waged.

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