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Our own intelligence services has done the exact same thing with their own people for a long time. 


Ive already made this post before but il copy and paste it here if its of interest:


It is my personal belief that if I am to tell somebody they are stupid, well then I want to be educated about it. It is not a must, however one will feel more liberated and able to "fight" agains tyrants such as in this thread commies. I have therefore studied it in some detail. 


So I´m going to make a short "what is communism" since I´ve seen some both faulty and good explanations.


Like every system of ideological governance witch we have hade al the time it seems like. Requires that all principles must be laid on every person of that society and thus those who disagree must suffer. It doesn´t matter witch ideology it is, this is what will happen.


To be very clear, people who have "money" meaning the super rich, are in fact communists. What do I mean by that? Well I mean that money is not enough for them, they want to control the people too. And that they do by the control of production. Just like commies. The control of production is key since the production of for example food keeps people "in line".


Communism vs socialism.

Whats is the difference with socialism and communism? It is the means by witch one thinks that socialism should be achieved. That one is that a communist thinks that he should force socialism on others, and socialists should vote their way to socialism.


The anarcho- communist, to me seem like communism. What do I mean by that? Well one must understand that the endgame of communism, once fully implemented is that of a stateless society, that is called Full Communism- their claimed goal. Therefore I feel that anarcho- communism is faulty be cause what it is suggesting is a stateless society. Just like the NLRBE:s believe that things are going to show up out of nowhere and that society is going to supply them with an abundance of produce. No government needed. No money needed.


So how come the most totalitarian regimes have been communist based? Well for starters communist core in furthering the agenda of communism comes to one end, and that is that anything goes as so long it further the socialist ideology.


If the end is to have a stateless society how come they have dictators staying in power till they die? One reason ore excuse they have for this is that society needs to be reinforced until people are "good enough" to not have to be told what to do. This leading like in the case of Joseph Stalin to a nationalist state, witch in and of it self is contradictory, since a socialist is a person does´nt believe in a state, but that rather "all workers should gather together no matter witch state, sex and race you are. We are all victims of the capitalist."


Already in the 1920:s the commies new that what they proposed did´nt work. Be cause of this they new they hade to come up with a new plan to implement their world- wide revolution. Before we continue a need to stress that what you are about to read is not necessarily communist subversion but subversion of the totalitariasts to " the common folk".


This is what the sovjets did to us in the west and the rest of the word and is started not long after the October revolution.  NOTE our leaders of the "free world" did the same thing most people forget this even tough there are evidence. This leading to some extent of my personal opinion that some checkas and then KGB to think that they were more successful than they were be cause the very people who they did this to, their own leader did to their own people at the same time. Thus helping each other furthering the agenda of a totalitarian regime. The regime change is going to be done by the same method of subversion. 


They are called today, 1:st 2:nd and 3:rd way feminists and then you have the liberals and the multiculturalists. In essence it is the same type of people trying to usher in a new world, by subversion. Most of them do not know this because they are stupid and shallow people.


Once this things are implemented the kings of society can put forth the "Iron Curtain". Since society has collapsed and the masses are now screaming of a savior. This is the time when Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin shows up. This can of course happen any time now since the people, at least from the western countries since the people, almost all are subverted.  


The NLRB: ist will have the same explanation to the worlds trouble as Karl Marx did. Marx said that industrialization was the answer to abundance. None of them seem to realize that just because something is scarce, doesn´nt mean that there will be a shortage. And that it will save the earth from extinsion. Wich is counter to what they both state, since they say that they want abundance. The free market will take care of that since the free market will put the resources in the most exact manner to the places it needs to go. People already buy shit they don´t need to impress people they don´t like....

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Fascinating. The degree to which schools and prisons are indistinguishable is the degree to which a country has progressed towards complete communism. I used to work for an architect who got her start designing state prisons. What is she designing now?... That's right, US embassies and schools. Control and brainwashing.

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Fascinating. The degree to which schools and prisons are indistinguishable is the degree to which a country has progressed towards complete communism. I used to work for an architect who got her start designing state prisons. What is she designing now?... That's right, US embassies and schools. Control and brainwashing.


Fascinating. The degree to which schools and prisons are indistinguishable is the degree to which a country has progressed towards complete communism. I used to work for an architect who got her start designing state prisons. What is she designing now?... That's right, US embassies and schools. Control and brainwashing.

So in other words now she is designing things thats also is being used to control people :cool:

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So in other words now she is designing things thats also is being used to control people :cool:

In a sense, yes. Only the control is more subtle and harder to escape. The newer school buildings which are inviting and welcoming are meant to distract from the underlying coercion.

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