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iTunes Podcast Issue


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I listen to older podcasts while I'm at work. I've been downloading them from iTunes. I (think) I listened to all the available podcasts for Volumes 1-3; however, when I went to begin downloading the first few podcasts of Volume 4, I discovered that about 300 podcasts were missing. Like, it jumped from around 890 to 1200ish. It's labeled 890ish to 1500ish. It looks like the first half of the pofcasts aren't there. This appears to be the case for Volume 5 as well. (I don't know about anything beyond that.)


Anyway, if I'm not navigating iTunes correctly, let me know. I just wanted to note this for the tech crew at FDR just in case.

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What type of device or phone are you using?

I was wondering because I just went through this same thing. Just got to volume 4 and came across this issue. On my old iPod I am only able to download the last 250 podcasts, on my iPad I use the purple podcast app and can download any of them after subscribing to the feed. When I got the new iPhone I was hoping to replace my primary podcast listening device. When I first checked to see if I would be able to download the earlier podcasts in that volume, I thought that I was having the same problem that I had with my iPod. After subscribing to the feed of volume four I was in fact able to download the earlier podcasts in that volume, although initially it appeared that I would not be able to. So to summarize, using an older iPod and iTunes I have this same issue, but using the purple podcast app on the iPad and iPhone I am able to download all of them, only after subscribing to the feed. My experience may be different from yours and Mike has already helped you, but I wanted to put this here in case it may help someone else in the future experiencing the same issue.
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